
# Numerical Prediction

#' FUNCTION: num_predict
#' This function takes in data and
#' predicts the desired value using
#' the desired machine learning algorithm
#' @export

num_predict <- function(data, method, pred) {
  train <- data[!(data$program==pred),]
  test <- data[(data$program==pred),]

  test$program <- NULL
  train$program <- NULL
  testResults <- data.frame(test$source, test$MS)
  testResults <- setNames(testResults, c("source", "MS"))
  test$MS <- NULL

  inTrainingEvo <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 1)
  if (method == "gbm" || method == "avNNet") {
    model <- train(MS ~ ., data = train, method=method, trControl=inTrainingEvo, verbose = FALSE)
  else {
    model <- train(MS ~ ., data = train, method=method, trControl=inTrainingEvo)
  test$predictions <- predict(model, newdata = test)

  test <- dplyr::full_join(test, testResults, by="source")
  rmse <- RMSE(test$predictions, test$MS)
  mae <- mae(test$predictions, test$MS)
  ret <- list("rmse" = rmse, "mae" = mae, "df" = test)
ginozab/Rmspredict documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:20 a.m.