
Defines functions cas_kwic_single_pattern cas_kwic

Documented in cas_kwic cas_kwic_single_pattern

#' Adds a column with n words before and after the selected pattern to see
#' keywords in context
#' @param corpus A textual corpus as a data frame.
#' @param pattern A pattern, typically of one or more words, to be used to break
#'   text. Should be of length 1 or length equal to the number of rows.
#' @param text Defaults to text. The unquoted name of the column of the corpus
#'   data frame to be used for matching.
#' @param words_before Integer, defaults to 5. Number of columns to include in
#'   the `before` column.
#' @param words_after Integer, defaults to 5. Number of columns to include in
#'   the `after` column.
#' @param same_sentence Logical, defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, before and after
#'   include only words found in the sentence including the matched pattern.
#' @param period_at_end_of_sentence Logical, defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, a period
#'   (".") is always included at the end of a sentence. Relevant only if
#'   `same_sentence` is set to TRUE.
#' @param ignore_case Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param regex Defaults to TRUE. Treat pattern as regex.
#' @param full_words_only Defaults to FALSE. If FALSE, pattern is counted even
#'   when it is found in the middle of a word (e.g. if FALSE, "ratio" would be
#'   counted as match in the word "irrational").
#' @param full_word_with_partial_match Defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, if there is a
#'   partial match of the pattern, the `pattern` column still includes the full
#'   word where the match has been found. Relevant only when
#'   `full_words_only` is set to FALSE.
#' @param pattern_column_name Defaults to 'pattern'. The unquoted name of the
#'   column to be used for the word in the output.
#' @return A data frame (a tibble), with the same columns as input, plus three
#'   columns: before, pattern, and after. Only rows where the pattern is found
#'   are included.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cas_kwic(
#'   corpus = tifkremlinen::kremlin_en,
#'   pattern = c("china", "india")
#' )
cas_kwic <- function(corpus,
                     text = text,
                     words_before = 5,
                     words_after = 5,
                     same_sentence = TRUE,
                     period_at_end_of_sentence = TRUE,
                     ignore_case = TRUE,
                     regex = TRUE,
                     full_words_only = FALSE,
                     full_word_with_partial_match = TRUE,
                     pattern_column_name = pattern) {
    .x = pattern,
    .f = function(x) {
        corpus = corpus,
        pattern = x,
        text = {{ text }},
        words_before = words_before,
        words_after = words_after,
        same_sentence = same_sentence,
        period_at_end_of_sentence = period_at_end_of_sentence,
        ignore_case = ignore_case,
        regex = regex,
        full_words_only = full_words_only,
        full_word_with_partial_match = full_word_with_partial_match,
        pattern_column_name = {{ pattern_column_name }}

#' Adds a column with n words before and after the selected pattern to see keywords in context
#' @inheritParams cas_kwic
#' @return A data frame (a tibble), with the same columns as input, plus three columns: before, pattern, and after. Only rows where the pattern is found are included.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cas_kwic_single_pattern(
#'   corpus = tifkremlinen::kremlin_en,
#'   pattern = "West"
#' )
cas_kwic_single_pattern <- function(corpus,
                                    text = text,
                                    words_before = 5,
                                    words_after = 5,
                                    same_sentence = TRUE,
                                    period_at_end_of_sentence = TRUE,
                                    ignore_case = TRUE,
                                    regex = TRUE,
                                    full_words_only = FALSE,
                                    full_word_with_partial_match = TRUE,
                                    pattern_column_name = pattern) {
  if (full_words_only == TRUE) {
    pattern <- purrr::map_chr(
      .x = pattern,
      .f = function(x) {

  if (length(pattern) == 1) {
    if (regex == TRUE) {
      corpus <- corpus %>%
          string = {{ text }},
          pattern = stringr::regex(
            pattern = pattern,
            ignore_case = ignore_case
        )) %>%
        dplyr::filter(is.na({{ text }}) == FALSE)
    } else {
      corpus <- corpus %>%
          string = {{ text }},
          pattern = stringr::fixed(
            pattern = pattern,
            ignore_case = ignore_case
        )) %>%
        dplyr::filter(is.na({{ text }}) == FALSE)
  } else {
    usethis::ui_stop("Pattern must be a vector of length one. You may want to use `cas_kwic()` instead.")

  if (same_sentence == TRUE) {
    corpus <- corpus %>%
        output = {{ text }},
        input = {{ text }},
        to_lower = FALSE,
        token = "sentences"

    if (period_at_end_of_sentence == TRUE) {
      corpus <- corpus %>%
        dplyr::mutate({{ text }} := stringr::str_c({{ text }}, "."))

  all_words_location_l <- stringr::str_locate_all(
    string = corpus %>% dplyr::pull({{ text }}),
    pattern = stringr::boundary(type = c("word"))

  pattern_location_l <- stringr::str_locate_all(
    string = corpus %>% dplyr::pull({{ text }}),
    pattern = stringr::regex(
      pattern = pattern,
      ignore_case = ignore_case

  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(all_words_location_l))

  output <- purrr::pmap_dfr(
    .l = list(
      corpus %>% dplyr::pull({{ text }}),
      seq_along(corpus %>% dplyr::pull({{ text }}))
    .f = function(current_all_words_location_l,
                  i) {
      if (nrow(current_pattern_location_l) == 0) {

        .x = 1:nrow(current_pattern_location_l),
        .f = function(j) {
          current_match <- current_pattern_location_l[j, ]

          current_match_row_number <- current_all_words_location_l %>%
            tibble::as_tibble() %>%
            dplyr::mutate(row_number = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
            dplyr::filter(current_match[1] >= start & current_match[1] <= end) %>%

          if (full_word_with_partial_match == TRUE) {
            if (current_match_row_number == 1) {
              end_of_before <- 0
            } else {
              end_of_before <- current_all_words_location_l[current_match_row_number - 1, 2]

            start_of_pattern <- current_all_words_location_l[current_match_row_number, 1]
            end_of_pattern <- current_all_words_location_l[current_match_row_number, 2]

            if (current_match_row_number == length(current_all_words_location_l) / 2) {
              start_of_after <- 0
              end_of_after <- 0

              if (period_at_end_of_sentence == TRUE) {
                start_of_after <- end_of_after <- current_all_words_location_l[min(length(current_all_words_location_l) / 2, current_match_row_number + words_after), 2] + 1
            } else {
              start_of_after <- current_all_words_location_l[current_match_row_number + 1, 1]
              if (period_at_end_of_sentence == TRUE) {
                if (length(current_all_words_location_l) / 2 <= current_match_row_number + words_after) {
                  end_of_after <- current_all_words_location_l[min(length(current_all_words_location_l) / 2, current_match_row_number + words_after), 2] + 1
                } else {
                  end_of_after <- current_all_words_location_l[min(length(current_all_words_location_l) / 2, current_match_row_number + words_after), 2]
              } else {
                end_of_after <- current_all_words_location_l[min(length(current_all_words_location_l) / 2, current_match_row_number + words_after), 2]
          } else {
            end_of_before <- current_pattern_location_l[1, 1] - 1

            start_of_pattern <- current_match[1]
            end_of_pattern <- current_match[2]

            start_of_after <- current_pattern_location_l[1, 2] + 1
            if (period_at_end_of_sentence == TRUE) {
              if (length(current_all_words_location_l) / 2 <= current_match_row_number + words_after) {
                end_of_after <- current_all_words_location_l[length(current_all_words_location_l) / 2, 2] + 1
              } else {
                end_of_after <- current_all_words_location_l[current_match_row_number + words_after, 2]
            } else {
              end_of_after <- current_all_words_location_l[
                  length(current_all_words_location_l) / 2,
                  current_match_row_number + words_after

            corpus %>% dplyr::slice(i),
              before = stringr::str_sub(
                string = current_text,
                start = current_all_words_location_l[max(1, current_match_row_number - words_before), 1],
                end = end_of_before
              {{ pattern_column_name }} := stringr::str_sub(
                string = current_text,
                start = start_of_pattern,
                end = end_of_pattern
              after = stringr::str_sub(
                string = current_text,
                start = start_of_after,
                end = end_of_after

giocomai/castarter documentation built on May 4, 2024, 1:14 a.m.