Man pages for gmelloni/PrecisionTrialDesigner
A Tool to Analyze and Design NGS Based Custom Gene Panels

appendRepoappendRepo: Add extra population data
CancerPanel-classClass 'CancerPanel'
coocMutexPlotPlot cooccurence and mutual exclusivity between pairs of...
coveragePlotA series of bar charts representing the number of samples...
coverageStackPlotA stacked and beside bar chart representing a breakdown of...
cpArgumentsMethod that returns the 'arguments' slot in a 'CancerPanel'...
cpDataMethod that returns the 'dataFull' slot in a 'CancerPanel'...
cpDataSubsetMethod that returns the 'dataSubset' slot in a 'CancerPanel'...
cpDesignExample of a cancer panel design export
cpFreqCalculate frequencies of mutations, copynumber, fusion or...
cpObjExample of a cancer panel
cpObj2Example of a cancer panel
dataExtractordataExtractor: extract data from a CancerPanel object
filterFusionsfilterFusions: remove or keep specified fusions
filterMutationsfilterMutations: remove or keep specified mutations
getAlterationsRetrieve genomic data for each gene in the panel
newCancerPanelCancerPanel object constructor
panelDesignerEstimate panel design according to user specifications
panelexampleExample of a cancer panel
panelOptimizerA function that open a shiny app to optimize panel size while...
PrecisionTrialDrawer-packagePrecisionTrialDrawer: a package to analyze and design custom...
propPowerSampleSizeCalculate sample size or power required in a 2-sample or...
saturationPlotPlot your panel along with incremental genomic space occupied...
showCancerStudyList of cancer studies included in the cBioportal
showTumorTypeList of tumor type barcode
subsetAlterationsRetrieve exactly the the alteration requested in the panel...
survPowerSampleSizeCalculate sample size or power required in a 2-sample...
survPowerSampleSize1ArmCalculate sample size or power required in a 1-sample...
gmelloni/PrecisionTrialDesigner documentation built on March 3, 2023, 6:10 a.m.