Man pages for gnyamundanda/exploBATCH
Explore batch effect (exploBATCH) is a package for discovering and correcting for batch effect using an approach in Nyamundanda et al (2017).

AitkenfFunction for assessing model convergence
assessComBatAssessing ComBat corrected data
assessCorrectBATCHAssessing data corrected for batch effect using correctBATCH.
batchBreastA vector identifying batches in the breast dataset.
batchColonA vector identifying batches in the colon dataset.
bioCLA vector identifying tumor and normal samples in the colon...
chol.invMatrix inversion
correctBatchBatch correction approach based on the PPCCA model.
correctComBatBatch correction with ComBat
emQEM algorithm for PPCA model.
expBATCHDiscovering and correcting batch effect.
exploBATCH-packageExplore batch effect (exploBATCH) is a package for...
findBATCHA function to formally tests presence of batch effect.
iniAFunction for initializing regression on the LVs.
jEMEM algorithm for PPCCA model jackkniifing.
mdiagSum diagonal elements of a matrix
pcaBeforeCorrectionPCA before correction.
penPenalty term for BIC
ppccaFitting PPCCA model
ppccaBeforeCorrectionPPCCA before correction.
ppccajackFitting PPCCA model with jackknifing
rcpparma_hello_worldSet of functions in example RcppArmadillo package
rowVarRow variance
scalingfnScaling of data
standardizeFunction for standardizing covariates
unlistfnUnlist an lapply function
gnyamundanda/exploBATCH documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:31 p.m.