
Defines functions correctly_predicted.matrix correctly_predicted.list correctly_predicted.fastelo correctly_predicted.elo correctly_predicted.default correctly_predicted

Documented in correctly_predicted correctly_predicted.default correctly_predicted.elo correctly_predicted.fastelo correctly_predicted.list correctly_predicted.matrix

#' correctly predicted outcomes
#' @param xdata result from \code{\link{elo.seq}}, \code{\link{fastelo}},
#' a square interaction matrix or a list with two items where the first is a
#' character vector with ID names (which represents the rank order to be
#' checked) and the second is an interaction matrix (which needs to be square
#' and which has column and row names)
#' @param daterange character or Date of length two, which allows to restrict
#' the time range to be considered for \code{elo} objects
#' @param exclude_draws logical, should draws be excluded from the calculation,
#' by default \code{TRUE}. If they are included, such interactions will be
#' scored as incorrectly predicted.
#' @param ... additional arguments depending on the class of object you supplied
#' @details If you provide results from \code{\link{elo.seq}} or
#' \code{\link{fastelo}}, this function first extracts the number of
#' interactions for which a winning expectation can be expressed, i.e. for all
#' interactions for which the winning probability for either individual is
#' different from 0.5. If the winning probability for both IDs is 0.5 then
#' either outcome is equally likely and hence it cannot be verified whether
#' the winning probability 'worked correctly'.
#' If you provide an interaction matrix, the order of columns in which it is
#' supplied is taken as the order to be checked, i.e. this just calculates the
#' proportion of interactions that are in upper triangle of the matrix.
#' If you provide a list with a rank order and an interaction matrix, the matrix
#' will be 'reshuffled' according to the rank order and then all entries above
#' the diagonal will be divided by the total number of interactions.
#' Note that there is one potential issue for the list-based method (rank order
#' and interaction matrix supplied), which is that it can't accomodate tied
#' ranks.
#' @return a list with two items where the first item is the proportion of
#' correctly predicted outcomes and the second item is the total number of
#' interactions for which the winning probability is not 0.5 (in the case of
#' elo or fastelo) or the total number of interactions (in case of matrix or
#' list)
#' @export
#' @author Christof Neumann
#' @examples
#' data(adv)
#' res <- elo.seq(winner = adv$winner, loser = adv$loser, Date = adv$Date)
#' correctly_predicted(res)
#' correctly_predicted(res, daterange = c("2010-01-10", "2010-01-20"))
#' # only one interaction considered because for the first no expection was
#' # expressed (same starting values for both contestants)
#' correctly_predicted(res, daterange = c("2010-01-01", "2010-01-02"))
#' data("devries98")
#' correctly_predicted(list(colnames(devries98), devries98))
#' # is the same as
#' correctly_predicted(devries98)
#' # reversed order
#' correctly_predicted(list(rev(colnames(devries98)), devries98))
#' mat <- matrix(ncol = 10, nrow = 10, 0)
#' colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- letters[1:10]
#' mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- 101
#' mat[lower.tri(mat)] <- 100
#' # correct order
#' order1 <- colnames(mat)
#' correctly_predicted(list(order1, mat))
#' # not very good
#' # the worst possible order for that matrix:
#' order2 <- rev(order1)
#' correctly_predicted(list(order2, mat))
#' # not much worse than order 1...
#' mat <- matrix(ncol = 10, nrow = 10, 0)
#' colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- letters[1:10]
#' mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- 1
#' mat[1, 2] <- 100
#' # correct ranking
#' order1 <- letters[1:10]
#' correctly_predicted(xdata = list(order1, mat))
#' # almost correct order
#' order2 <- c("b", "a", letters[3:10])
#' correctly_predicted(xdata = list(order2, mat))

correctly_predicted <- function(xdata, ...) {

#' @describeIn correctly_predicted default method for logical vector
#' @export

correctly_predicted.default <- function(xdata, ...) {
  res <- sum(!is.na(xdata))
  list(prop = sum(xdata, na.rm = TRUE) / res, total = res)

#' @describeIn correctly_predicted for usage with results of
#' \code{\link{elo.seq}}
#' @export

correctly_predicted.elo <- function(xdata,
                                    exclude_draws = TRUE,
                                    daterange = NULL,
                                    ...) {

  x <- xdata$logtable
  x$d <- xdata$truedates[x$Date]

  if (!is.null(daterange)) {
    x <- x[x$d >= as.Date(daterange[1]) & x$d <= as.Date(daterange[2]), ]
  if (exclude_draws) {
    x <- x[!x$draw, ]

  x$correct <- x$Apre > x$Bpre
  x$correct[x$Apre == x$Bpre] <- NA


#' @describeIn correctly_predicted for usage with results of
#' \code{\link{fastelo}}
#' @export

correctly_predicted.fastelo <- function(xdata,
                                        ...) {
  correct <- xdata$winprobs > 0.5
  correct[xdata$winprobs == 0.5] <- NA

#' @describeIn correctly_predicted for usage with a list of order and
#' interaction matrix
#' @export

correctly_predicted.list <- function(xdata,
                                     ...) {
  temp <- as.matrix(xdata[[2]])
  temp <- temp[xdata[[1]], xdata[[1]]]
  diag(temp) <- 0
  res <- sum(temp[upper.tri(temp)]) / sum(temp)
  list(prop = res, total = sum(temp))

#' @describeIn correctly_predicted for usage with an interaction matrix
#' @export

correctly_predicted.matrix <- function(xdata,
                                       ...) {
  diag(xdata) <- 0
  res <- sum(xdata[upper.tri(xdata)]) / sum(xdata)
  list(prop = res, total = sum(xdata))
gobbios/EloRating documentation built on July 19, 2024, 4:05 a.m.