#' Apply running function
#' Applies custom function on running windows.
#' @param x (`vector`, `data.frame`, `matrix`, `xts`, `grouped_df`)\cr
#' Input in runner custom function `f`.
#' @param k (`integer` vector or single value)\cr
#' Denoting size of the running window. If `k` is a single value then window
#' size is constant for all elements, otherwise if `length(k) == length(x)`
#' different window size for each element. One can also specify `k` in the same
#' way as `by` argument in [base::seq.POSIXt()].
#' See 'Specifying time-intervals' in details section.
#' @param lag (`integer` vector or single value)\cr
#' Denoting window lag. If `lag` is a single value then window lag is constant
#' for all elements, otherwise if `length(lag) == length(x)` different window
#' size for each element. Negative value shifts window forward. One can also
#' specify `lag` in the same way as `by` argument in
#' [base::seq.POSIXt()]. See 'Specifying time-intervals' in details
#' section.
#' @param idx (`integer`, `Date`, `POSIXt`)\cr
#' Optional integer vector containing sorted (ascending) index of observation.
#' By default `idx` is index incremented by one. User can provide index with
#' varying increment and with duplicated values. If specified then `k` and
#' `lag` are depending on `idx`. Length of `idx` have to be equal of length
#' `x`.
#' @param f (`function`)\cr
#' Applied on windows created from `x`. This function is meant to summarize
#' windows and create single element for each window, but one can also specify
#' function which return multiple elements (runner output will be a list).
#' By default runner returns windows as is (`f = function(x)`).
#' @param at (`integer`, `Date`, `POSIXt`, `character` vector)\cr
#' Vector of any size and any value defining output data points. Values of the
#' vector defines the indexes which data is computed at. Can be also `POSIXt`
#' sequence increment used in `at` argument in [base::seq.POSIXt()].
#' See 'Specifying time-intervals' in details section.
#' @param na_pad (`logical` single value)\cr
#' Whether incomplete window should return `NA` (if `na_pad = TRUE`)
#' Incomplete window is when some parts of the window are out of range.
#' @param simplify (`logical` or `character` value)\cr
#' should the result be simplified to a vector, matrix or higher dimensional
#' array if possible. The default value, `simplify = TRUE`, returns a vector or
#' matrix if appropriate, whereas if `simplify = "array"` the result may be an
#' array of "rank" `(=length(dim(.)))` one higher than the result of output
#' from the function `f` for each window. Consequences of `simplify` in `runner`
#' are identical to `sapply`.
#' @param cl (`cluster`) *experimental*\cr
#' Create and pass the cluster to the `runner` function to run each window
#' calculation in parallel. See [parallel::makeCluster()] in details.
#' @param ... (optional)\cr
#' other arguments passed to the function `f`.
#' @details
#' Function can apply any R function on running windows defined by `x`,
#' `k`, `lag`, `idx` and `at`. Running window can be calculated
#' on several ways:
#' - **Cumulative windows**\cr
#' applied when user doesn't specify `k` argument or specify `k = length(x)`,
#' this would mean that `k` is equal to number of available elements \cr
#' \if{html}{\figure{cumulativewindows.png}{options: width="75\%" alt="Figure: cumulativewindows.png"}}
#' \if{latex}{\figure{cumulativewindows.pdf}{options: width=7cm}}
#' - **Constant sliding windows**
#' applied when user specify `k` as constant value keeping `idx` and
#' `at` unspecified. `lag` argument shifts windows left (`lag > 0`)
#' or right (`lag < 0`). \cr
#' \if{html}{\figure{incrementalindex.png}{options: width="75\%" alt="Figure: incrementalindex.png"}}
#' \if{latex}{\figure{incrementalindex.pdf}{options: width=7cm}}
#' - **Windows depending on date**\cr
#' If one specifies `idx` this would mean that output windows size might
#' change in size because of unequally spaced indexes. Fox example 5-period
#' window is different than 5-element window, because 5-period window might
#' contain any number of observation (7-day mean is not the same as 7-element
#' mean)
#' \cr
#' \if{html}{\figure{runningdatewindows.png}{options: width="75\%" alt="Figure: runningdatewindows.png"}}
#' \if{latex}{\figure{runningdatewindows.pdf}{options: width=7cm}}
#' - **Window at specific indices**\cr
#' `runner` by default returns vector of the same size as `x` unless one
#' specifies `at` argument. Each element of `at` is an index on which runner
#' calculates function - which means that output of the runner is now of
#' length equal to `at`. Note that one can change index of `x` by specifying
#' `idx`. Illustration below shows output of `runner` for
#' `at = c(18, 27, 45, 31)` which gives windows in ranges enclosed in square
#' brackets. Range for `at = 27` is `[22, 26]` which is not available in
#' current indices. \cr
#' \if{html}{\figure{runnerat.png}{options: width="75\%" alt="Figure: runnerat.png"}}
#' \if{latex}{\figure{runnerat.pdf}{options: width=7cm}}
#' ## Specifying time-intervals
#' `at` can also be specified as interval of the output defined by
#' `at = "<increment>"` which results in indices sequence defined by
#' `seq.POSIXt(min(idx), max(idx), by = "<increment>")`. Increment of sequence
#' is the same as in [base::seq.POSIXt()] function.
#' It's worth noting that increment interval can't be more frequent than
#' interval of `idx` - for `Date` the most frequent time-unit is a `"day"`,
#' for `POSIXt` a `sec`.
#' `k` and `lag` can also be specified as using time sequence increment.
#' Available time units are
#' `"sec", "min", "hour", "day", "DSTday", "week", "month", "quarter" or "year"`.
#' To increment by number of units one can also specify `<number> <unit>s`
#' for example `lag = "-2 days"`, `k = "5 weeks"`.
#' Setting `k` and `lag` as a sequence increment can be also a vector can be a
#' vector which allows to stretch and lag/lead each window freely on in time
#' (on indices).
#' \cr
#' ## Parallel computing
#' Beware that executing R call in parallel not always
#' have the edge over single-thread even if the
#' `cl <- registerCluster(detectCores())` was specified before.
#' \cr
#' Parallel windows are executed in the independent environment, which means
#' that objects other than function arguments needs to be copied to the
#' parallel environment using [parallel::clusterExport()]. For
#' example using `f = function(x) x + y + z` will result in error as
#' `clusterExport(cl, varlist = c("y", "z"))` needs to be called before.
#' @return vector with aggregated values for each window. Length of output is
#' the same as `length(x)` or `length(at)` if specified. Type of the output
#' depends on the output from a function `f`.
#' @md
#' @rdname runner
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport parLapply
#' @export
runner <- function(
f = function(x) x,
k = integer(0),
lag = integer(1),
idx = integer(0),
at = integer(0),
na_pad = FALSE,
simplify = TRUE,
cl = NULL,
...) {
UseMethod("runner", x)
#' @rdname runner
#' @examples
#' # runner returns windows as is by default
#' runner(1:10)
#' # mean on k = 3 elements windows
#' runner(1:10, f = mean, k = 3)
#' # mean on k = 3 elements windows with different specification
#' runner(1:10, k = 3, f = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
#' # concatenate two columns
#' runner(
#' data.frame(
#' a = letters[1:10],
#' b = 1:10
#' ),
#' f = function(x) paste(paste0(x$a, x$b), collapse = "+")
#' )
#' # concatenate two columns with additional argument
#' runner(
#' data.frame(
#' a = letters[1:10],
#' b = 1:10
#' ),
#' f = function(x, xxx) {
#' paste(paste0(x$a, xxx, x$b), collapse = " + ")
#' },
#' xxx = "..."
#' )
#' # number of unique values in each window (varying window size)
#' runner(letters[1:10],
#' k = c(1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5),
#' f = function(x) length(unique(x))
#' )
#' # concatenate only on selected windows index
#' runner(letters[1:10],
#' f = function(x) paste(x, collapse = "-"),
#' at = c(1, 5, 8)
#' )
#' # 5 days mean
#' idx <- c(4, 6, 7, 13, 17, 18, 18, 21, 27, 31, 37, 42, 44, 47, 48)
#' runner::runner(
#' x = idx,
#' k = "5 days",
#' lag = 1,
#' idx = Sys.Date() + idx,
#' f = function(x) mean(x)
#' )
#' # 5 days mean at 4-indices
#' runner::runner(
#' x = 1:15,
#' k = 5,
#' lag = 1,
#' idx = idx,
#' at = c(18, 27, 48, 31),
#' f = mean
#' )
#' @export
runner.default <- function(
# nolint
f = function(x) x,
k = integer(0),
lag = integer(1),
idx = integer(0),
at = integer(0),
na_pad = FALSE,
simplify = TRUE,
cl = NULL,
...) {
if (any(is.na(k))) {
stop("Function doesn't accept NA values in k vector")
if (any(is.na(lag))) {
stop("Function doesn't accept NA values in lag vector")
if (any(is.na(idx))) {
stop("Function doesn't accept NA values in idx vector")
if (!is(f, "function")) {
stop("f should be a function")
# use POSIXt.seq
at <- .seq_at(at, idx)
k <- .k_by(k, if (length(at > 0)) at else idx, "k")
lag <- .k_by(lag, if (length(at > 0)) at else idx, "lag")
w <- window_run(x = x, k = k, lag = lag, idx = idx, at = at, na_pad = na_pad)
answer <- if (!is.null(cl) && is(cl, "cluster")) {
parLapply(cl = cl, X = w, fun = f, ...)
} else {
lapply(w, function(.this_window) {
if (length(.this_window) == 0) {
} else {
f(.this_window, ...)
if (!isFALSE(simplify) && length(answer)) {
simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == "array"))
} else {
#' @rdname runner
#' @examples
#' # runner with data.frame
#' df <- data.frame(
#' a = 1:13,
#' b = 1:13 + rnorm(13, sd = 5),
#' idx = seq(as.Date("2022-02-22"), as.Date("2023-02-22"), by = "1 month")
#' )
#' runner(
#' x = df,
#' idx = "idx",
#' at = "6 months",
#' f = function(x) {
#' cor(x$a, x$b)
#' }
#' )
#' # parallel computing
#' library(parallel)
#' data <- data.frame(
#' a = runif(100),
#' b = runif(100),
#' idx = cumsum(sample(rpois(100, 5)))
#' )
#' const <- 0
#' cl <- makeCluster(1)
#' clusterExport(cl, "const", envir = environment())
#' runner(
#' x = data,
#' k = 10,
#' f = function(x) {
#' cor(x$a, x$b) + const
#' },
#' idx = "idx",
#' cl = cl
#' )
#' stopCluster(cl)
#' @export
runner.data.frame <- function(
# nolint
f = function(x) x,
k = attr(x, "k"),
lag = if (!is.null(attr(x, "lag"))) attr(x, "lag") else integer(1),
idx = attr(x, "idx"),
at = attr(x, "at"),
na_pad = if (!is.null(attr(x, "na_pad"))) attr(x, "na_pad") else FALSE,
simplify = TRUE,
cl = NULL,
...) {
# Check if argument is either a colname of x or valid vector of values
.check_unresolved_difftime(x, k)
.check_unresolved_difftime(x, lag)
.check_unresolved_index(x, idx)
.check_unresolved_at(x, at)
# if argument is a name of the column in x then column of x is taken
k <- .resolve_arg(x, k)
lag <- .resolve_arg(x, lag)
idx <- .resolve_arg(x, idx)
at <- .resolve_arg(x, at)
if (any(is.na(k))) {
stop("Function doesn't accept NA values in k vector")
if (any(is.na(lag))) {
stop("Function doesn't accept NA values in lag vector")
if (any(is.na(idx))) {
stop("Function doesn't accept NA values in idx vector")
if (!is(f, "function")) {
stop("f should be a function")
# use POSIXt.seq
at <- .seq_at(at, idx)
k <- .k_by(k, if (length(at) > 0) at else idx, "k")
lag <- .k_by(lag, if (length(at) > 0) at else idx, "lag")
w <- window_run(
x = seq_len(nrow(x)),
k = k,
lag = lag,
idx = idx,
at = at,
na_pad = na_pad
answer <- if (!is.null(cl) && is(cl, "cluster")) {
clusterExport(cl, varlist = c("x", "f"), envir = environment())
cl = cl,
X = w,
fun = function(.this_window_idx) {
if (length(.this_window_idx) == 0) {
} else {
f(x[.this_window_idx, ], ...)
} else {
lapply(w, function(.this_window_idx) {
if (length(.this_window_idx) == 0) {
} else {
f(x[.this_window_idx, ], ...)
if (!isFALSE(simplify) && length(answer)) {
simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == "array"))
} else {
#' @rdname runner
#' @export
runner.grouped_df <- function(
f = function(x) x,
k = attr(x, "k"),
lag = if (!is.null(attr(x, "lag"))) attr(x, "lag") else integer(1),
idx = attr(x, "idx"),
at = attr(x, "at"),
na_pad = if (!is.null(attr(x, "na_pad"))) attr(x, "na_pad") else FALSE,
simplify = TRUE,
cl = NULL,
...) {
x = .this_group(x),
f = f,
k = k,
lag = lag,
idx = idx,
at = at,
na_pad = na_pad,
simplify = simplify,
cl = cl,
#' @rdname runner
#' @examples
#' # runner with matrix
#' data <- matrix(data = runif(100, 0, 1), nrow = 20, ncol = 5)
#' runner(
#' x = data,
#' f = function(x) {
#' tryCatch(
#' cor(x),
#' error = function(e) NA
#' )
#' }
#' )
#' @export
runner.matrix <- function(
f = function(x) x,
k = integer(0),
lag = integer(1),
idx = integer(0),
at = integer(0),
na_pad = FALSE,
simplify = TRUE,
cl = NULL,
...) {
if (any(is.na(k))) {
stop("Function doesn't accept NA values in k vector")
if (any(is.na(lag))) {
stop("Function doesn't accept NA values in lag vector")
if (any(is.na(idx))) {
stop("Function doesn't accept NA values in idx vector")
if (!is(f, "function")) {
stop("f should be a function")
# use POSIXt.seq
at <- .seq_at(at, idx)
k <- .k_by(k, if (length(at) > 0) at else idx, "k")
lag <- .k_by(lag, if (length(at) > 0) at else idx, "lag")
w <- window_run(
x = seq_len(nrow(x)),
k = k,
lag = lag,
idx = idx,
at = at,
na_pad = na_pad
answer <- if (!is.null(cl) && is(cl, "cluster")) {
clusterExport(cl, varlist = c("x", "f"), envir = environment())
cl = cl,
X = w,
fun = function(.this_window_idx) {
if (length(.this_window_idx) == 0) {
} else {
f(x[.this_window_idx, , drop = FALSE], ...)
} else {
X = w,
FUN = function(.this_window_idx) {
if (length(.this_window_idx) == 0) {
} else {
f(x[.this_window_idx, , drop = FALSE], ...)
if (!isFALSE(simplify) && length(answer)) {
simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == "array"))
} else {
#' @rdname runner
#' @export
runner.xts <- function(
f = function(x) x,
k = integer(0),
lag = integer(1),
idx = integer(0),
at = integer(0),
na_pad = FALSE,
simplify = TRUE,
cl = NULL,
...) {
if (!identical(idx, integer(0))) {
"'idx' argument has been specified and will mask index
of the 'xts' object."
} else {
idx <- structure(
.Data = as.vector(attr(x, "index")),
class = attr(attr(x, "index"), "tclass"),
tz = attr(attr(x, "index"), "tzone")
x = x,
f = f,
k = k,
lag = lag,
idx = idx,
at = at,
na_pad = na_pad,
simplify = simplify,
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