  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  tidy = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE


The mbOmic package contains a set of analysis functions for microbiomics and metabolomics data, designed to analyze the inter-omic correlation between microbiology and metabolites, referencing the workflow of Jonathan Braun et al[^McHardy].

[^McHardy]: McHardy, I. H., Goudarzi, M., Tong, M., Ruegger, P. M., Schwager, E., Weger, J. R., Graeber, T. G., Sonnenburg, J. L., Horvath, S., Huttenhower, C., McGovern, D. P., Fornace, A. J., Borneman, J., & Braun, J. (2013). Integrative analysis of the microbiome and metabolome of the human intestinal mucosal surface reveals exquisite inter-relationships. Microbiome, 1(1), 17.

# knitr::include_graphics(system.file('extdata', 'intro.png', 'mbOmic'))


Load metabolites and OTU abundance data of plant.[^Huang] The OTU had been binned into genera level and were save as the metabolites_and_genera.rda file

[^Huang]: Huang, W., Sun, D., Chen, L., & An, Y. (2021). Integrative analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in understanding the causes of sugarcane bitterness. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-11.

path <- system.file('extdata', 'metabolites_and_genera.rda', package = 'mbOmic')


Construct mbSet object.

bSet is S4 class containing the metabolites abundance matrix.

We can use bSet function to directly create bSet class.

names(metabolites)[1] <- 'rn'
m <- mSet(m = metabolites)

There are some function to get or set information of a bSet, such as samples and features.

Extract the samples names from bSet class by function Samples.

#[1] "BS1" "BS2" "BS3" "BS4" "BS5" "BS6" "SS1" "SS2" "SS3" "SS4" "SS5" "SS6"

Remove bad analytes (OTU and metatoblites)

Removal of analytes only measured in \<2 of samples can perform by clean_analytes.

m <- clean_analytes(m, fea_num = 2)

Generate metabolite module

mbOmic can generate metabolite module by coExpress function. The coExpress function is the encapsulation of one-step network construction and module detection of WGCNA package. The coExpress function firstly pick up the soft-threshold. The threshold.d and threshold parameters are used to detect whether is $R^2$ changing and appropriate.

If there are no appropriate threshold was detected and you do not set the power parameter, the coExpress will throw a error, "No power detected! pls set the power parameter".

net <- try({
  coExpress(m,message = TRUE,threshold.d = 0.02, threshold = 0.8, plot = TRUE) 

If you can't get a good scale-free topology index no matter how high set the soft-thresholding power, you can directly set the power value by the parameter power, but should be looked into carefully. The appropriate soft-thresholding power can be chosen based on the number of samples as in the table below (recommend by WGCNA package).

| Number of samples | Unsigned and signed hybrid networks | Signed networks | |:---------------------:|:---------------------------------------:|:-------------------:| | \<20 | 9 | 18 | | 20\~30 | 8 | 16 | | 30\~40 | 7 | 14 | | >40 | 6 | 12 |

net <- coExpress(m,message = TRUE,threshold.d = 0.02, threshold = 0.8, power = 9)

Calculate the Spearman metabolite-genera correlation

you can calculate the correlation between metabolites and OTUs by corr function. It return a data table containing rho, p value, and adjust p value. Moreover, the corr can run in parallel mode.

b <- genera
names(b)[1] <- 'rn'
b <- bSet(b=b)
spearm <- corr(m = m, b = b, method = 'spearman')
# head(spearm)

plot the network

Finally, you can vaisulize the network by plot_network function, taking the coExpressand corr output. The orange nodes correspondes to OTU(genera)).

# svg('../inst/doc/network1.svg')
plot_network(net, spearm[abs(rho) >= 0.8 & p <= 0.001], interaction = FALSE)
plot_network(net, spearm[abs(rho) >= 0.8 & p <= 0.001], seed = 123, interaction = TRUE, return =  TRUE)
# visSave(tmp, file = '../inst/doc/network2.html')



gongcongcong/mbOmic documentation built on July 1, 2023, 1:47 p.m.