
Defines functions dist.ps

Documented in dist.ps

#' The central DAPS function
#' Takes in a two data frames one with treatment and one with control units
#' including the variables: Longitude, Latitude and propensity scores (as
#' prop.scores) and returns a matrix of the matched pairs using DAPS, and
#' information on PS difference, matching difference, distance. Caliper can
#' can be specified on PS difference or DAPS.
#' @param treated 
#' A data frame include the treated units and the variables: 'Longitude', 'Latitude'
#' and propensity scores (named 'prop.scores'). The rownames of treated should be the
#' unit ids.
#' @param control Control units. Same variables as in treated.
#' @param caliper A caliper of DAPS or PS difference for matching.
#' @param weight
#' Number between 0 and 1, percentage of matching weight to be given on propensity
#' score difference.
#' @param coords.columns
#' If the columns of coordinates are not named 'Longitude', 'Latitude', coords.cols
#' should be the column indices corresponding to longitude and latitude accordingly.
#' @param distance
#' Function that takes in the distance matrix and returns the standardized distance
#' matrix. Defaults to the function that subtracks the minimum and divides by the range
#' @param caliper_type
#' Whether we want the caliper to be on DAPS or on the PS. caliper_type must either be
#' 'DAPS', or 'PS'.
#' @param coord_dist
#' Set to true when we want to use a distance function that calculates the spherical
#' distance of points instead of euclidean. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param matching_algorithm
#' Argument with options 'optimal', or 'greedy'. The optimal choice uses the optmatch R
#' package to acquire the matches based on propensity score difference and a caliper on
#' distance. The greedy option matches treated and control units sequentially, starting
#' from the ones with the smallest propensity score difference. Defaults to 'optimal'.
#' @param remove.unmatchables Logical. Argument of the optmatch function. Defaults to
#' FALSE. If set to FALSE, the matching fails unless all treated units are matched. If
#' set to TRUE, matching might return matches only for some of the treated units.
#' @return A dataframe, where each row corresponds to each treated unit, and
#' includes: the control unit to which it was matched, their propensity score
#' difference, their DAPS difference, their distance, their standardized distance.
#' NAs in the data frame correspond to units that were not matched.
#' @examples
#' data('toyData')
#' toyData$prop.scores <- glm(Z ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, family = binomial,
#'                            data = toyData)$fitted.values
#' daps <- dist.ps(treated = toyData[toyData$Z == 1, ],
#'                 control = toyData[toyData$Z == 0, ],
#'                 caliper_type = 'DAPS', caliper = 1,
#'                 coords.columns = c(4, 5),
#'                 matching_algorithm = 'greedy')
#' head(daps)
dist.ps <- function(treated, control, caliper = 0.1, weight = 0.8,
                    coords.columns = NULL, distance = StandDist,
                    caliper_type = c('DAPS', 'PS'), coord_dist = FALSE,
                    matching_algorithm = c('optimal', 'greedy'),
                    remove.unmatchables = FALSE) {
  matching_algorithm <- match.arg(matching_algorithm)
  caliper_type <- match.arg(caliper_type)
  if (!is.null(coords.columns)) {
    names(treated)[coords.columns] <- c('Longitude', 'Latitude')
    names(control)[coords.columns] <- c('Longitude', 'Latitude')
  if (coord_dist) {  # Spherical distance on the globe.
    dist.mat <- fields::rdist.earth(cbind(treated$Longitude, treated$Latitude),
                                    cbind(control$Longitude, control$Latitude))
  } else {
    dist.mat <- fields::rdist(cbind(treated$Longitude, treated$Latitude),
                              cbind(control$Longitude, control$Latitude))
  stand.dist.mat <- distance(dist.mat)
  # Matrix of ps difference.  
  treatment_indicator <- c(rep(1, nrow(treated)), rep(0, nrow(control)))
  propensity_scores <- c(treated$prop.scores, control$prop.scores)
  ps.diff <- as.matrix(optmatch::match_on(treatment_indicator ~ propensity_scores,
                                          method = 'euclidean'))

  # DAPS matrix.
  dapscore <- (1 - weight) * stand.dist.mat + weight * ps.diff
  # Creating the matrix we will use for matching, depending on
  # whether the caliper is set on DAPS or on the PS.
  if (caliper_type == 'DAPS') {
    M <- dapscore + optmatch::caliper(dapscore, caliper * sd(dapscore))
  } else if (caliper_type == 'PS') {
    M <- dapscore + optmatch::caliper(ps.diff, caliper * sd(propensity_scores))
  M <- as.matrix(M)

  if (matching_algorithm == 'greedy') {
    pairs <- MinDistMatch(M, caliper = NULL)
    matched_trt <- pairs[, 1]
    matched_con <- pairs[, 2]
  } else {  # Optimal.
    opt_match <- optmatch::pairmatch(M, data = data.frame(treatment_indicator),
                                     remove.unmatchables = remove.unmatchables)
    pairs_ids <- sort(as.character(unique(opt_match[!is.na(opt_match)])))
    if (length(pairs_ids) == 0) {  # If no matches were acheived return empty matrix.
      mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 5)
    } else {  # matches were made.
      wh_trt <- 1:nrow(treated)
      wh_con <- (nrow(treated) + 1) : (nrow(treated) + nrow(control))
      match_trt <- cbind(wh_trt, group = as.character(opt_match[wh_trt]))
      match_con <- cbind(wh_con, group = as.character(opt_match[wh_con]))
      pairs <- merge(match_trt, match_con, by = 'group')
      pairs <- pairs[, - which(names(pairs) == 'group')]
      pairs <- na.omit(pairs)
      pairs[, 1] <- as.numeric(as.character(pairs[, 1]))
      pairs[, 2] <- as.numeric(as.character(pairs[, 2])) - nrow(treated)

  # Where we will save the results.
  mat <- data.frame(match = rep(NA, dim(treated)[1]),
                    distance = rep(NA, dim(treated)[1]),
                    prop.diff = rep(NA, dim(treated)[1]),
                    match.diff = rep(NA, dim(treated)[1]),
                    stand.distance = rep(NA, dim(treated)[1]))
  rownames(mat) <- rownames(treated)
  matched_trt <- pairs[, 1]
  matched_con <- pairs[, 2]
  mat$match[matched_trt] <- rownames(control)[matched_con]
  for (ii in 1:length(matched_trt)) {
    wh_trt <- matched_trt[ii]
    wh_con <- matched_con[ii]
    mat$stand.distance[wh_trt] <- stand.dist.mat[wh_trt, wh_con]
    mat$prop.diff[wh_trt] <- treated$prop.scores[wh_trt] -
    mat$match.diff[wh_trt] <- M[wh_trt, wh_con]
    mat$distance[wh_trt] <- dist.mat[wh_trt, wh_con]
gpapadog/DAPSm documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8 a.m.