accelerate_target_dtp3: Accelerate dtp3

View source: R/accelerate_target_uhc.R

accelerate_target_dtp3R Documentation

Accelerate dtp3


Accelerate dtp3 using a customised version of scenario_fixed_target with the following peculiarities:

  • baseline_year = 2019;

  • the 2020 value is kept identical to the 2019 (baseline) value;

  • the target_year is 2030; and

  • the scenario is then a straight line to the target_value and target_year

  • the target values for each country are provided by the technical program.


accelerate_target_dtp3(df, ...)



Data frame in long format, where 1 row corresponds to a specific country, year, and indicator.


additional parameters to be passed to scenario function

See Also

Target scenario accelerate_target_anc4(), accelerate_target_art(), accelerate_target_beds(), accelerate_target_bp(), accelerate_target_doctors(), accelerate_target_fh(), accelerate_target_fpg(), accelerate_target_fp(), accelerate_target_hwf(), accelerate_target_itn(), accelerate_target_nurses(), accelerate_target_pneumo(), accelerate_target_tb(), accelerate_target_uhc_sanitation(), accelerate_target_uhc_tobacco()

gpw13/billionaiRe documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 2:37 a.m.