
Defines functions plot_istd

Documented in plot_istd

#' @title Functions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics Pipeline.
#' @description This package contains functions to assist in the current UCLA Metabolomics Quality Control and Analysis Pipeline.
#' @param Std A dataframe
#' @return
# @examples
#' @export

plot_istd <- function(Std, info, title,pdf_width=14)
  pdf(title, width=pdf_width, height=10)
  std_plot<-ggplot(Std, aes(Sample, log(Value,10)))+
    facet_wrap(~ID, scales='free')+
    theme(text = element_text(face='bold',size=14),
          axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, vjust=.3, hjust=1))+
    labs(x='',y='Relative response of ISTD (A.U., log10)') + scale_x_discrete(limits = info$Sample)
  print(std_plot)  #print statement is required to plot within if statements, loops, functions
graeberlab-ucla/MetabR documentation built on June 4, 2024, 1:47 p.m.