# base node class
node <- R6Class(
public = list(
unique_name = "",
parents = list(),
children = list(),
# named greta arrays giving different representations of the greta array
# represented by this node that have already been calculated, to be used for
# computational speedups or numerical stability. E.g. a logarithm or a
# cholesky factor
representations = list(),
anti_representations = list(),
.value = array(NA),
dim = NA,
distribution = NULL,
initialize = function(dim = NULL, value = NULL) {
dim <- dim %||% c(1,1)
# coerce dim to integer
dim <- as.integer(dim)
# store array (updates dim)
value <- value %||% unknowns(dim = dim)
register = function(dag) {
## TODO add explaining variable
if (!(self$unique_name %in% names(dag$node_list))) {
dag$node_list[[self$unique_name]] <- self
# recursively register self and family
register_family = function(dag) {
## TODO add explaining variable
if (!(self$unique_name %in% names(dag$node_list))) {
# add self to list
# find my immediate family (not including self)
family <- c(self$list_children(dag), self$list_parents(dag))
# get and assign their names
family_names <- extract_unique_names(family)
names(family) <- family_names
# find the unregistered ones
unregistered_idx <- which(!(family_names %in% names(dag$node_list)))
unregistered <- family[unregistered_idx]
# add them to the node list
for (relative in unregistered) {
add_parent = function(node) {
# add to list of parents
self$parents <- c(self$parents, node)
remove_parent = function(node) {
# remove node from list of parents
rem_idx <- which(self$parent_names(recursive = FALSE) == node$unique_name)
self$parents <- self$parents[-rem_idx]
list_parents = function(dag) {
parents <- self$parents
# if this node is being sampled and has a distribution, consider
# that a parent node too
mode <- dag$how_to_define(self)
if (mode == "sampling" & has_distribution(self)) {
parents <- c(parents, list(self$distribution))
if (mode == "sampling" & has_representation(self, "cholesky")){
# remove cholesky representation node from parents
parent_names <- extract_unique_names(parents)
antirep_name <- get_node(self$representations$cholesky)$unique_name
parent_names_keep <- setdiff(parent_names, antirep_name)
parents <- parents[match(parent_names_keep, parent_names)]
if (mode == "sampling" & has_anti_representation(self, "chol2symm")){
chol2symm_node <- get_node(self$anti_representations$chol2symm)
parents <- c(parents, list(chol2symm_node))
add_child = function(node) {
# add to list of children
self$children <- c(self$children, node)
remove_child = function(node) {
# remove node from list of parents
rem_idx <- which(self$child_names() == node$unique_name)
self$children <- self$children[-rem_idx]
list_children = function(dag) {
children <- self$children
# if this node is being sampled and has a distribution, do not consider
# that a child node
mode <- dag$how_to_define(self)
if (mode == "sampling" & has_distribution(self)) {
child_names <- extract_unique_names(children)
keep <- child_names != self$distribution$unique_name
children <- children[keep]
# return the names of all parent nodes, and if recursive = TRUE, all nodes
# lower in this graph. If type is a character, only nodes with that type
# (from the type public object) will be listed
# NB. this is the true, forward parentage and is unaffected by the dag mode!
parent_names = function(recursive = FALSE) {
parents <- self$parents
if (length(parents) > 0) {
names <- extract_unique_names(parents)
if (recursive) {
their_parents <- function(x) {
x$parent_names(recursive = TRUE)
grandparents <- lapply(parents, their_parents)
names <- c(names, unlist(grandparents))
# account for multiple nodes depending on the same nodes
names <- unique(names)
} else {
# otherwise return own name (to make sure at least somethign is returned
# on recursion)
names <- self$unique_name
child_names = function() {
children <- self$children
if (length(children) > 0) {
names <- vapply(
function(x) x$unique_name,
# account for multiple nodes depending on the same nodes
names <- unique(names)
} else {
# otherwise return own name (to make sure at least somethign is returned
# on recursion)
names <- self$unique_name
defined = function(dag) {
tf_name <- dag$tf_name(self)
tf_name %in% ls(dag$tf_environment)
# define this and all descendent objects on TF graph in environment
define_tf = function(dag) {
if (Sys.getenv("GRETA_DEBUG") == "true") {
# if defined already, skip
if (!self$defined(dag)) {
# make sure parents are defined
parents_defined <- vapply(self$list_parents(dag),
function(x) x$defined(dag),
if (any(!parents_defined)) {
parents <- self$list_parents(dag)
# then define self
# stop("hi from the future ... parents are of class:", str(parents))
# get or set this nodes' current value
value = function(new_value = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(new_value)) {
} else {
# get the dimension of the new value
dim <- dim(new_value)
# coerce 1D arrays to column vectors
if (length(dim) == 1) {
dim <- c(dim, 1L)
# update value and store
dim(new_value) <- dim
self$dim <- dim
self$.value <- new_value
set_distribution = function(distribution) {
# add it
self$distribution <- distribution
# return a string describing this node, for use in print and summary etc.
description = function() {
text <- node_type(self)
if (has_distribution(self)) {
text <- glue::glue(
"{text} following a ",
"{self$distribution$distribution_name} distribution"
cli_description = function() {
text <- node_type(self)
text <- node_type_colour(text)
dist_txt <- glue::glue("{self$distribution$distribution_name} distribution")
if (has_distribution(self)) {
text <- cli::cli_fmt(
# "{text} following a {.strong {dist_txt}}"
"{text} following a {cli::col_yellow({dist_txt})}"
create_unique_name = function() {
self$unique_name <- glue::glue("node_{rhex()}")
plotting_label = function() {
label <- ""
type <- node_type(self)
# replace distributions with more info
if (type == "distribution") {
label <- self$distribution_name
# if it's data and scalar, just put the value
if (type == "data" & is_scalar(self)) {
val <- as.numeric(self$value())
val <- round(val, 2)
label <- prettyNum(val)
make_antirepresentations = function(representations){
FUN = self$make_one_anti_representation,
make_one_anti_representation = function(ga, name){
node <- get_node(ga)
anti_name <- self$find_anti_name(name)
node$anti_representations[[anti_name]] <- as.greta_array(self)
find_anti_name = function(name){
cholesky = "chol2symm",
chol2symm = "chol",
exp = "log",
log = "exp",
probit = "iprobit",
iprobit = "probit",
logit = "ilogit",
ilogit = "logit"
#' @title generic to grab dimensions of nodes
#' @param x greta node class
#' @export
dim.node <- function(x) {
# coerce an object to a node
to_node <- function(x) {
# TODO: clean up this logic
if (!is.node(x)) {
if (is.greta_array(x)) {
x <- get_node(x)
} else if (is.numeric(x)) {
x <- data_node$new(x)
} else {
"cannot coerce object to a node"
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