
Defines functions tf_extract_iterations tf_extract_converged tf_extract_states tf_extract_stable_distribution tf_extract_lambda set_if_valid is_non_zero is_valid growth_converged take_slice tf_iterate_matrix iterate_matrix

Documented in iterate_matrix

#' @name iterate_matrix
#' @title iterate transition matrices
#' @description Calculate the intrinsic growth rate(s) and stable stage
#'   distribution(s) for a stage-structured dynamical system, encoded
#'   as `state_t = matrix \%*\% state_tm1`.
#' @details `iterate_matrix` can either act on a single transition matrix
#'   and initial state (if `matrix` is 2D and `initial_state` is a
#'   column vector), or it can simultaneously act on *n* different matrices
#'   and/or *n* different initial states (if `matrix` and
#'   `initial_state` are 3D arrays). In the latter case, the first
#'   dimension of both objects should be the batch dimension *n*.
#'   To ensure the matrix is iterated for a specific number of iterations, you
#'   can set that number as `niter`, and set `tol` to 0 or a negative
#'   number to ensure that the iterations are not stopped early.
#' @param matrix either a square 2D transition matrix (with dimensions m x m),
#'   or a 3D array (with dimensions n x m x m), giving one or more transition
#'   matrices to iterate
#' @param initial_state either a column vector (with m elements) or a 3D array
#'   (with dimensions n x m x 1) giving one or more initial states from which to
#'   iterate the matrix
#' @param niter a positive integer giving the maximum number of times to iterate
#'   the matrix
#' @param tol a scalar giving a numerical tolerance, below which the algorithm
#'   is determined to have converged to the same growth rate in all stages
#' @return a named list with five greta arrays:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{`lambda`} {a scalar or vector giving the ratio of the first stage
#'   values between the final two iterations.}
#'   \item{`stable_state`} {a vector or matrix (with the same dimensions as
#'   `initial_state`) giving the state after the final iteration,
#'   normalised so that the values for all stages sum to one.}
#'   \item{`all_states`} {an n x m x niter matrix of the state values at
#'   each iteration. This will be 0 for all entries after `iterations`.}
#'   \item{`converged`} {an integer scalar or vector indicating whether
#'   the iterations for each matrix have converged to a tolerance less than
#'   `tol` (1 if so, 0 if not) before the algorithm finished.}
#'   \item{`iterations`} {a scalar of the maximum number of iterations
#'   completed before the algorithm terminated. This should match `niter`
#'   if `converged` is `FALSE`.}
#' }
#' @note because greta vectorises across both MCMC chains and the calculation of
#'   greta array values, the algorithm is run until all chains (or posterior
#'   samples), sites and stages have converged to stable growth. So a single
#'   value of both `converged` and `iterations` is returned, and the
#'   value of this will always have the same value in an `mcmc.list` object. So
#'   inspecting the MCMC trace of these parameters will only tell you whether
#'   the iteration converged in *all* posterior samples, and the maximum
#'   number of iterations required to do so across all these samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # simulate from a probabilistic 4-stage transition matrix model
#' k <- 4
#' # component variables
#' # survival probability for all stages
#' survival <- uniform(0, 1, dim = k)
#' # conditional (on survival) probability of staying in a stage
#' stasis <- c(uniform(0, 1, dim = k - 1), 1)
#' # marginal probability of staying/progressing
#' stay <- survival * stasis
#' progress <- (survival * (1 - stay))[1:(k - 1)]
#' # recruitment rate for the largest two stages
#' recruit <- exponential(c(3, 5))
#' # combine into a matrix:
#' tmat <- zeros(k, k)
#' diag(tmat) <- stay
#' progress_idx <- row(tmat) - col(tmat) == 1
#' tmat[progress_idx] <- progress
#' tmat[1, k - (1:0)] <- recruit
#' # analyse this to get the intrinsic growth rate and stable state
#' iterations <- iterate_matrix(tmat)
#' iterations$lambda
#' iterations$stable_distribution
#' iterations$all_states
#' # Can also do this simultaneously for a collection of transition matrices
#' k <- 2
#' n <- 10
#' survival <- uniform(0, 1, dim = c(n, k))
#' stasis <- cbind(uniform(0, 1, dim = n), rep(1, n))
#' stay <- survival * stasis
#' progress <- (survival * (1 - stasis))[, 1]
#' recruit_rate <- 1 / seq(0.1, 5, length.out = n)
#' recruit <- exponential(recruit_rate, dim = n)
#' tmats <- zeros(10, 2, 2)
#' tmats[, 1, 1] <- stasis[, 1]
#' tmats[, 2, 2] <- stasis[, 2]
#' tmats[, 2, 1] <- progress
#' tmats[, 1, 2] <- recruit
#' iterations <- iterate_matrix(tmats)
#' iterations$lambda
#' iterations$stable_distribution
#' iterations$all_states
#' }
iterate_matrix <- function(matrix,
                           initial_state = rep(1, ncol(matrix)),
                           niter = 100,
                           tol = 1e-6) {
  niter <- as.integer(niter)
  matrix <- as.greta_array(matrix)
  state <- as.greta_array(initial_state)

  # check input dimensions
  matrix_dim <- dim(matrix)
  state_dim <- dim(state)
  matrix_n_dim <- length(matrix_dim)
  state_n_dim <- length(state_dim)

  if (!matrix_n_dim %in% 2:3 | !state_n_dim %in% 2:3) {
    stop("matrix and state must be either two- or three-dimensional",
      call. = FALSE

  # ensure the last dim of state is 1
  if (state_dim[state_n_dim] != 1) {
    stop("initial_state must be either a column vector, ",
      "or a 3D array with final dimension 1",
      call. = FALSE

  # if this is multisite
  matrix_multisite <- matrix_n_dim == 3
  state_multisite <- state_n_dim == 3
  multisite <- matrix_multisite | state_multisite

  # ensure the site dimension matches
  if (multisite) {
    if (!state_multisite) {
      n <- matrix_dim[1]

      # expand state
      state_list <- replicate(n, state, simplify = FALSE)
      state <- t(do.call(cbind, state_list))

      # add trailing dimension back on
      dim(state) <- c(dim(state), 1)

      state_dim <- dim(state)
      state_n_dim <- 3

    if (!matrix_multisite) {
      n <- state_dim[1]

      # expand matrix
      dim(matrix) <- c(1, dim(matrix))
      matrix_list <- replicate(n, matrix, simplify = FALSE)
      matrix <- do.call(abind, c(matrix_list, list(along = 1)))

      matrix_dim <- dim(matrix)
      matrix_n_dim <- 3

    if (matrix_multisite & state_multisite) {
      n <- matrix_dim[1]
      if (state_dim[1] != n) {
        stop("if matrix is 3D and initial_state is a matrix",
          "the batch dimension (n) must match",
          call. = FALSE
  } else {
    n <- 1

  # check the number of stages matches
  m <- matrix_dim[2]
  if (multisite) {
    matrix_raw_dim <- matrix_dim[2:3]
    state_raw_dim <- state_dim[2]
  } else {
    matrix_raw_dim <- matrix_dim
    state_raw_dim <- state_dim[1]

  if (!all(matrix_raw_dim == m)) {
    stop("each matrix must be a two-dimensional square greta array ",
      call. = FALSE

  if (state_raw_dim != m) {
    stop("length of each initial_state must match the dimension of matrix",
      call. = FALSE

  # op returning a fake greta array which is actually a list containing both
  # values and states
  results <- op("iterate_matrix",
    operation_args = list(niter = niter, tol = tol),
    tf_operation = "tf_iterate_matrix",
    dim = c(1, 1)

  # ops to extract the components
  lambda <- op("lambda",
    tf_operation = "tf_extract_lambda",
    dim = c(n, 1)

  stable_distribution <- op("stable_distribution",
    tf_operation = "tf_extract_stable_distribution",
    dim = state_dim

  all_states_dim <- state_dim
  if (multisite) {
    all_states_dim[3] <- niter
  } else {
    all_states_dim[2] <- niter

  all_states <- op("all_states",
    tf_operation = "tf_extract_states",
    dim = all_states_dim

  converged <- op("converged",
    tf_operation = "tf_extract_converged",
    dim = c(n, 1)

  iterations <- op("iterations",
    tf_operation = "tf_extract_iterations",
    dim = c(1, 1)

    lambda = lambda,
    stable_distribution = stable_distribution,
    all_states = all_states,
    converged = converged,
    iterations = iterations

# tensorflow code
# iterate matrix tensor `matrix` `niter` times, each time using and updating vector
# tensor `state`, and return lambda for the final iteration
tf_iterate_matrix <- function(matrix, state, niter, tol) {

  # use a tensorflow while loop to do the recursion:
  body <- function(matrix, old_state, t_all_states, growth_rates, converged, iter, maxiter) {

    # do matrix multiplication
    new_state <- tf$matmul(matrix, old_state, transpose_a = FALSE)

    valid <- is_valid(new_state)

    # update the stored growth rates and states IFF the new state is valid
    growth_rates <- set_if_valid(valid, new_state / old_state, growth_rates)
    state <- set_if_valid(valid, new_state, old_state)

    # if not, determine that this has converged
    converged <- growth_converged(growth_rates, tf_tol)
    converged <- tf$logical_or(converged, tf$logical_not(valid))

    # store new state object
    t_all_states <- tf$tensor_scatter_nd_update(
      tensor = t_all_states,
      indices = iter,
      updates = tf$transpose(new_state)

      iter + 1L,

  # create a matrix of zeros to store all the states, but use *the transpose* so
  # it's easier to update

  # iter needs to have rank 2 for slice updating; make niter the same shape
  iter <- tf$constant(0L, shape = shape(1, 1))
  tf_niter <- tf$constant(as.integer(niter), shape = shape(1, 1))

  # make a single slice (w.r.t. batch dimension) and tile along batch dimension
  state_dim <- dim(state)[-1]
  n_dim <- length(state_dim)
  n_replicates <- ifelse(n_dim == 2, 1, state_dim[1])

  shp <- to_shape(c(niter, rev(state_dim[-n_dim]), 1))
  t_all_states_slice <- tf$zeros(shp, dtype = tf_float())
  batch_size <- tf$shape(matrix)[[0]]
  ndim <- length(dim(t_all_states_slice))
  t_all_states <- tf$tile(t_all_states_slice, c(rep(1L, ndim - 1), batch_size))

  # create an initial growth rate, and expand its batches
  shp <- to_shape(c(1, state_dim))
  growth_rates_slice <- tf$zeros(shp, dtype = tf_float())
  growth_rates <- expand_to_batch(growth_rates_slice, state)

  # add convergence tolerance and indicator
  tf_tol <- tf$constant(tol, dtype = tf_float())
  dim <- 1
  if (n_replicates > 1) {
    dim <- c(dim, n_replicates)
  converged <- tf$constant(array(FALSE, dim = dim), dtype = tf$bool)
  converged <- expand_to_batch(converged, state)

  # add tolerance next
  values <- list(

  # add tolerance next
  cond <- function(matrix,
                   maxiter) {
    tf$squeeze(tf$less(iter, maxiter)) &

  # iterate
  out <- tf$while_loop(cond, body, values)

  # return some elements: the transposed tensor of all the states
    state = out[[2]],
    t_all_states = out[[3]],
    growth_rates = out[[4]],
    converged = out[[5]],
    iterations = out[[6]]

# pull out single slice of a tensor , along the first dimension
take_slice <- function(x, i, j = NULL) {
  rank <- length(dim(x))

  # if there's an index for next dimension too, get that
  if (!is.null(j)) {
    from <- as.integer(c(i - 1, j - 1, rep(0, rank - 2)))
    n <- as.integer(c(1L, 1L, rep(-1L, rank - 2)))
  } else {
    from <- as.integer(c(i - 1, rep(0, rank - 1)))
    n <- as.integer(c(1L, rep(-1L, rank - 1)))
  tf$slice(x, begin = from, size = n)

# assess convergence of the iterations to a stable growth rate. If it has
# converged, the rate of change will be the same for all stages.
growth_converged <- function(growth_rates, tol) {

  # subtract from the average (will all be 0 if they are the same)
  axis <- length(dim(growth_rates)) - 2L
  avg_growth_rates <- tf$reduce_mean(
    axis = axis,
    keepdims = TRUE
  diffs <- growth_rates - avg_growth_rates

  # calculate the largest deviation across all stages, (one for each replicate
  # and batch) and determiine whether it is acceptable
  multisite_dim <- length(dim(diffs)) - 3L
  reduce_axes <- 1:2 + multisite_dim
  error <- tf$reduce_max(tf$abs(diffs), axis = reduce_axes)
  error < tol

is_valid <- function(x) {
  valid_stages <- tf$logical_and(is_non_zero(x), tf$math$is_finite(x))
  reduce_axes <- 1:2 + length(dim(x)) - 3L
  tf$reduce_all(valid_stages, axis = reduce_axes)

is_non_zero <- function(x) {
  zero <- tf$zeros(shape(), dtype = tf_float())
  tf$logical_not(tf$equal(x, zero))

# a wrapper around tf$where to broadcast on multiple dimensions
set_if_valid <- function(condition, x, y) {

  # pad and tile valid to match the other dimensions
  to_dim <- length(dim(x))
  from_dim <- length(dim(condition))
  extra_dims <- to_dim - from_dim

  # expand out the dimensions appropriately
  to_expand <- seq_len(extra_dims) + from_dim - 1L
  for (dim in to_expand) {
    condition <- tf$expand_dims(condition, dim)

  # and tile
  tiling <- c(
    rep(1L, from_dim),
    dim(x)[to_expand + 1L]
  condition <- tf$tile(condition, tiling)

  tf$where(condition, x, y)

# return the ratio of the first stage values for the last two states, which
# should be the intrinsic growth rate if the iteration has converged
tf_extract_lambda <- function(results) {
  growth_rates <- results$growth_rates

  # pull out value for first state (accounting for possible site dimension)
  rank <- length(dim(growth_rates))
  from <- rep(0L, rank)
  n <- c(rep(-1L, rank - 2), 1L, -1L)
  lambda <- tf$slice(growth_rates, begin = from, size = n)

  # maybe reshape, and return
  if (length(dim(lambda)) > 3) {
    lambda <- tf$squeeze(lambda, rank - 1L)

# return the final state from matrix iteration, standardised to sum to 1
tf_extract_stable_distribution <- function(results) {
  state <- results$state

  # standardise
  axis <- length(dim(state)) - 2L
  sums <- tf$reduce_sum(state, axis = axis, keepdims = TRUE)
  state_distrib <- tf$truediv(state, sums)

  # reshape if needed
  ndim <- length(dim(state_distrib))
  if (ndim > 3) {
    state_distrib <- tf$squeeze(state_distrib, ndim - 1L)


# return the final state from matrix iteration (should have stabilised)
tf_extract_states <- function(results) {

# return an integer for whether each replicate has converged (1L if true, 0L if
# false),
tf_extract_converged <- function(results) {

# return a logical for the number of iterations taken to converge
# (reshaped to have dim: batch x 1 x 1)
tf_extract_iterations <- function(results) {
  iterations <- tf$reshape(results$iterations, shape(1, 1, 1))
  iterations <- expand_to_batch(iterations, results$state)
greta-dev/gretaDynamics documentation built on April 23, 2024, 5:47 a.m.