getHomologs: List homologous genes between two species.

View source: R/non-biomart-utils.R

getHomologsR Documentation

List homologous genes between two species.


This function simplifies the querying of the Ensembl BioMart if you're trying to return the homologs for one or more gene IDs between two species.


getHomologs(ensembl_gene_ids, species_from, species_to)



Character vector. This contains the Ensembl Gene IDs that you want to find the homologs for.

species_from, species_to

Character vectors of length 1. These arguments specify the species the input IDs belong to (species_from) and the species you want to find the homologs in (species_to). These can be Ensembl genomes names e.g. "homo_sapiens" or "canis_lupus_familiaris" or common names e.g. "human" or "dog". The function will do it's best to parse common names, and will report and error if no match to an Ensembl genome can be made.


Mike Smith

grimbough/biomaRt documentation built on Feb. 1, 2025, 3:32 p.m.