save_new_model: Save a model to the package

View source: R/tree.R

save_new_modelR Documentation

Save a model to the package


Save a model to the package


save_new_model(new_model, include.default = TRUE, path_to_models = tempdir())



new model to be added into the classification tree


whether include the default models of the package in the list of new trained models or not. If users further want to classify cells, they can only use default pretrained model list or their new model list. Including default models in new trained models helps users using both of them once. In addition, default pretrained models of the package cannot be changed or removed. This can be done with the new trained model list.


path to the folder containing the list of new models.


no return value, but the model is now saved to database


# load small example dataset

# train classifier
selected_marker_genes_T = c("CD4", "CD8A", "CD8B")
classifier_t <- train_classifier(train_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
assay = 'RNA', slot = 'counts', marker_genes = selected_marker_genes_T, 
cell_type = "t cells", tag_slot = 'active.ident')

# save the trained classifier to system 
# test classifier can be used before this step
# Note: We do not include the default models here to runtime of the example
save_new_model(new_model = classifier_t, path_to_models = tempdir(), 
               include.default = FALSE)

# verify if new model has been saved
print(names(load(file.path(tempdir(), "new_models.rda"))))
delete_model("t cells")

grisslab/scAnnotatR documentation built on March 20, 2023, 2:42 a.m.