
Defines functions load_reference

Documented in load_reference

#' Load growth reference
#' This function searches for references stored in the `sysdata.dta`
#' object in package `pkg`. If `refcode` is a reference
#' then
#' @param refcode String, code of a reference. Only the first element is loaded.
#' Alternatively, if `refcode` is a reference, the function uses it.
#' @param element Keyword, either `"all"`, `"table"`, `"index"` or `"study"`.
#' The default is `"all"`.
#' @param pkg The package containing the reference. The package must be loaded
#' and attached. The default `pkg = "centile"` searches in the home package.
#' @param verbose For more verbose output, set to `TRUE`.
#' @return The return value depends on the `element` parameter.
#' `element` | Return value
#' --------- | ---------------------------------------
#' `"all"`   | All stored information
#' `"table"` | A `tibble` with reference values
#' `"index"` | Numeric vector with index values
#' `"study"` | Named character vector with study data
#' @examples
#' # use a built-in reference
#' ref <- load_reference("who_2006_wgt_male_")
#' head(ref)
#' head(attr(ref, "study"))
#' # use verbose = TRUE to find out problems
#' ref <- load_reference("nl_1997_hgt_male_nl", verbose = TRUE)
#' @export
load_reference <- function(refcode = NULL,
                           element = c("all", "table", "index", "study"),
                           pkg = "centile",
                           verbose = FALSE) {
  if (!length(refcode)) {

  if (is_reference(refcode)) {
    # refcode is a reference
    ref <- refcode
  } else {
    # refcode is a string, get the reference from pkg
    if (!pkg %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
      if (verbose) warning("Package ", pkg, " not loaded.")
    ref <- get0(refcode[[1L]], envir = asNamespace(pkg))
    if (is.null(ref)) {
      if (verbose) warning("Reference ", refcode[[1L]], " not found in package ", pkg, ".")

  element <- match.arg(element)
         all = ref,
         table = {
           attr(ref, "study") <- NULL
         index = ref[["x"]],
         study = attr(ref, "study")
growthcharts/yzy documentation built on May 4, 2024, 11:06 p.m.