
Defines functions compute_grade

Documented in compute_grade

#' Calculate percentages, weighted averages and total grade
#' The function computes the percentages, weighted averages and the total grade.
#' The user can specify whether the lowest \code{n} scores of an evaluation type must be dropped.
#' @param x A \code{tbl_prof} object.
#' @param drop_n A numeric vector specifying whether lowest scores should be dropped in specific evaluation types.
#' @return A \code{tbl_prof} object.
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble bind_cols %>%
#' @importFrom purrr map2 map_dfc set_names pmap map2_dfc map_dbl
#' @export

compute_grade <- function(x, drop_n = NULL){
	if(!is.tbl_prof(x)) stop("x must be a tbl_prof object. See ?tbl_prof.")

	evals <- attr(x, "evals")
	weights <- attr(x, "weights")
	max_scores <- attr(x, "max_scores")

	percent_full <-
		purrr::map2(evals, max_scores, function(eval, max_score){
			(eval * 100) / max_score
		}) %>%
		purrr::map_dfc(rowMeans) %>%
		purrr::set_names(paste0(names(evals), "_percent"))

	weighted_means_full <- sweep(percent_full, 2, weights, "*") %>%
		purrr::set_names(paste0(names(evals), "_weighted_mean")) %>%

	total_full <- rowSums(weighted_means_full)

	attr(x, "percent") <- percent_full
	attr(x, "weighted_mean") <- weighted_means_full
	attr(x, "total") <- total_full

	out <- dplyr::bind_cols(x, percent_full, weighted_means_full, total = total_full)


		evals_dropped <-
			purrr::map2(evals, drop_n, function(eval, drop){
				if(drop != 0){
					purrr::pmap(eval, function(...){
						scores <- unlist(list(...))
				} else {
					purrr::pmap(eval, function(...) unlist(list(...)))
			}) %>%

		percent_dropped <-
			purrr::map2_dfc(evals_dropped, max_scores, function(eval, max_score){
				purrr::map_dbl(eval, ~ mean((.x * 100) / max_score))
			}) %>%
			purrr::set_names(paste0(names(evals), "_dropped_percent"))

		weighted_means_dropped <- sweep(percent_dropped, 2, weights, "*") %>%
			purrr::set_names(paste0(names(evals), "_dropped_weighted_mean")) %>%

		total_dropped <- rowSums(weighted_means_dropped)

		attr(out, "evals_dropped") <- evals_dropped
		attr(out, "percent_dropped") <- percent_dropped
		attr(out, "weighted_means_dropped") <- weighted_means_dropped
		attr(out, "total_dropped") <- total_dropped

		out <- dplyr::bind_cols(out, percent_dropped, weighted_means_dropped, total_dropped = total_dropped)

gueyenono/professorrr documentation built on Dec. 26, 2021, 10:10 p.m.