
Defines functions theme_xp_xpose4 theme_xp_default

Documented in theme_xp_default theme_xp_xpose4

#' A set of xpose themes
#' @description xpose themes are used to consistently apply a set of preference for the plot geoms 
#' (e.g. color scales, point size, etc.) whereas ggplot2 theme focus on the plot background, axes, 
#' titles etc.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{theme_xp_default}: The default xp_theme in xpose
#' \item \code{theme_xp_xpose4}: An xp_theme that makes xpose look like xpose4.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # With the xp_theme theme_xp_default() (default)
#' dv_vs_ipred(xpdb_ex_pk, facets = 'SEX')
#' # With the xp_theme theme_xp_xpose4()
#' xpdb_ex_pk %>%
#'   update_themes(xp_theme = theme_xp_xpose4()) %>%
#'   dv_vs_ipred(facets = 'SEX')
#' @name xp_themes
#' @export
theme_xp_default <- function() {
  tmp_theme <- list(
    # General
    rounding            = 1,
    title_suffix        = '',
    subtitle_suffix     = '',
    caption_suffix      = '',
    tag_suffix          = '',
    # Panels
    facets              = NULL,
    ncol                = NULL,
    nrow                = NULL,
    page                = NULL,
    scales              = 'free',
    shrink              = TRUE,
    labeller            = labeller(.default = label_both, .multi_line = FALSE),
    as.table            = TRUE,
    switch              = NULL,
    drop                = TRUE,
    dir                 = 'h',
    strip.position      = 'top',
    margins             = FALSE,
    space               = 'fixed',
    byrow               = TRUE,
    # Guide
    guide_alpha         = 1,
    guide_color         = 'grey70',
    guide_linetype      = 'solid',
    guide_linewidth     = 0.8,
    # Line
    line_alpha          =  0.7,
    line_color          = 'grey20',
    line_linetype       = 'solid',
    line_linewidth      =  0.5,
    # Point
    point_alpha         = 0.7,
    point_color         = 'grey20',
    point_fill          = NA,
    point_shape         = 19,
    point_size          = 2.5,
    point_stroke        = 0,
    # Smooth
    smooth_alpha        = 0.4,
    smooth_color        = 'deepskyblue2',
    smooth_fill         = 'deepskyblue2',
    smooth_linetype     = 1,
    smooth_method       = 'loess',
    smooth_se           = FALSE,
    smooth_linewidth    = 1,
    smooth_weight       = 1,
    # Text
    text_alpha          = 0.7,
    text_angle          = 0,
    text_color          = 'grey33',
    text_family         = '',
    text_fontface       = 'plain',
    text_lineheight     = 1.2,
    text_size           = 3.1,
    text_hjust          = 0.5, # Change not recommended if type = 't' is used
    text_vjust          = 0.5, # Change not recommended if type = 't' is used
    # Density
    density_alpha       = 0.6,
    density_color       = NA,
    density_fill        = 'grey35',
    density_weight      = 1,
    density_linewidth   = 0.5,
    density_linetype    = 1,
    # Histogram
    histogram_alpha     = 0.6,
    histogram_color     = NA,
    histogram_fill      = 'grey35',
    histogram_linewidth = 0.5,
    histogram_bins      = 10,
    # Rug
    rug_alpha           = 0.8,
    rug_color           = 'grey35',
    rug_linetype        = 1,
    rug_linewidth       = 0.3,
    # Area
    area_alpha          = 0.6,
    area_color          = NA,
    area_fill           = 'grey35',
    area_linewidth      = 0.5,
    area_linetype       = 1
  ## ggplot2 v3.4.0 compatibility fix
  if (utils::packageVersion("ggplot2") < "3.4.0") {
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "line_linewidth"]      <- "line_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "rug_linewidth"]       <- "rug_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "area_linewidth"]      <- "area_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "smooth_linewidth"]    <- "smooth_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "abline_linewidth"]    <- "abline_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "density_linewidth"]   <- "density_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "histogram_linewidth"] <- "histogram_size"

#' @rdname xp_themes
#' @export
theme_xp_xpose4 <- function() {
  tmp_theme <- list(
    # General
    rounding            = 1,
    title_suffix        = '',
    subtitle_suffix     = '',
    caption_suffix      = '',
    tag_suffix          = '',
    # Panels
    facets              = NULL,
    ncol                = NULL,
    nrow                = NULL,
    page                = NULL,
    scales              = 'free',
    shrink              = TRUE,
    labeller            = labeller(.default = label_both, .multi_line = FALSE),
    as.table            = TRUE,
    switch              = NULL,
    drop                = TRUE,
    dir                 = 'h',
    strip.position      = 'top',
    margins             = FALSE,
    space               = 'fixed',
    byrow               = TRUE,
    # Guide
    guide_alpha         = NA,
    guide_color         = 'black',
    guide_linetype      = 'solid',
    guide_linewidth     = 0.5,
    # Line
    line_alpha          =  NA,
    line_color          = 'blue',
    line_linetype       = 'solid',
    line_linewidth      =  0.5,
    # Point
    point_alpha         = NA,
    point_color         = 'blue',
    point_fill          = NA,
    point_shape         = 1,
    point_size          = 2,
    point_stroke        = 0.5,
    # Smooth
    smooth_alpha        = NA,
    smooth_color        = 'red',
    smooth_fill         = 'red',
    smooth_linetype     = 1,
    smooth_method       = 'loess',
    smooth_se           = FALSE,
    smooth_linewidth    = 1,
    smooth_weight       = 1,
    # Text
    text_alpha          = NA,
    text_angle          = 0,
    text_color          = 'black',
    text_family         = '',
    text_fontface       = 'plain',
    text_lineheight     = 1.2,
    text_size           = 3.1,
    text_hjust          = 0.5, # Change not recommended if type = 't' is used
    text_vjust          = 0.5, # Change not recommended if type = 't' is used
    # Density
    density_alpha       = NA,
    density_color       = 'black',
    density_fill        = NA,
    density_weight      = 1,
    density_linewidth   = 0.5,
    density_linetype    = 2,
    # Histogram
    histogram_alpha     = NA,
    histogram_color     = 'black',
    histogram_fill      = 'cyan',
    histogram_linewidth = 0.5,
    histogram_bins      = 10,
    # Rug
    rug_alpha           = NA,
    rug_color           = 'black',
    rug_linetype        = 1,
    rug_linewidth       = 0.3,
    # Area
    area_alpha          = NA,
    area_color          = NA,
    area_fill           = 'grey35',
    area_linewidth      = 0.5,
    area_linetype       = 1
  ## ggplot2 v3.4.0 compatibility fix
  if (utils::packageVersion("ggplot2") < "3.4.0") {
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "line_linewidth"]      <- "line_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "rug_linewidth"]       <- "rug_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "area_linewidth"]      <- "area_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "smooth_linewidth"]    <- "smooth_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "abline_linewidth"]    <- "abline_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "density_linewidth"]   <- "density_size"
    names(tmp_theme)[names(tmp_theme) == "histogram_linewidth"] <- "histogram_size"
guiastrennec/ggxpose documentation built on June 8, 2024, 3:22 p.m.