
#' Performs a Principal Component Analysis
#' This function will perform a PCA on your data.
#' @param tab A data.table object containing the data you want to analyse.
#' @param inertie_percentage A numeric between 0 and 100 indicating the percentage of variance you want to keep. Default value is 95.
#' @return A list with the PCA results.
#' @examples
#' ## You want to keep only 85% of variance :
#' res_pca <- do_pca(tab,inertie_percentage = 85)
#' @export

do_pca <- function(tab,inertie_percentage = 95){
  res_pca <- FactoMineR::PCA(tab, scale.unit = TRUE)
  inertie <- data.table(inertie = res_pca$eig$`cumulative percentage of variance`)
  inertie[, fictif := ifelse(inertie < inertie_percentage, 1,0)]
  inertie <- inertie[fictif == 1]
  res_pca <- FactoMineR::PCA(tab, scale.unit = TRUE, ncp = nrow(inertie))

#' Removes outliers from a PCA
#' This function will remove outliers from your analysis.
#' @param tab A data.table object containing the data you want to analyse.
#' @param results A list with the results of a PCA.
#' @param min.inertie A numeric between 0 and 100 indicating the minimum iniertia an axis must have to be taken into consideration. Default value is 5
#' @param ctr.min A numeric indicating the CTR threshold above which you consider that an individual is an outlier. Default value is 2.
#' @return A data.table object without outliers.
#' @examples
#' ## You want to remove all the indivuals that have a CTR > 1.90 on all the 
#' ## axis which represent at least 4% of variance :
#' tab_clean <- remove_outliers(tab,res_pca,min.inertie = 4, ctr.min = 1.90)
#' @export

remove_outliers <- function(tab,results,min.inertie = 5,ctr.min = 2){
  inertie <- data.table(inertie = results$eig$`percentage of variance`)
  inertie[, fictif := ifelse(inertie >= min.inertie, 1,0)]
  inertie <- inertie[fictif == 1]
  liste_outliers <- c()
  for(i in 1:nrow(inertie)){
    axe_ind <- data.frame(CTR = results$ind$contrib[,i], COS2 = results$ind$cos2[,i], coord = results$ind$coord[,i])
    # On ne garde que les individus dont la contribution est > à 1/n
    axe_ind <- data.table(axe_ind, keep.rownames=TRUE)
    axe_ind[, seuil := 1/nrow(axe_ind)]
    # Pour l'interprétation on classe les individus par CTR décroissante
    axe_ind <- axe_ind[CTR > seuil][order(-CTR)]
    liste_outliers <- c(liste_outliers,axe_ind[CTR > ctr.min]$rn)
  liste_outliers <- unique(liste_outliers)
  tab <- tab[!(rownames(tab) %in% liste_outliers),]
guillaumelf/BarchenPackage documentation built on May 31, 2019, 11:50 p.m.