

test_that("learners work: cluster", {

  # settings to make learners faster and deal with small sample size
  hyperpars = list()

  # clustering, response
  task = noclass.task
  lrns = mylist(task, create = TRUE)
  lapply(lrns, testThatLearnerParamDefaultsAreInParamSet)
  lapply(lrns, testBasicLearnerProperties, task = task, hyperpars = hyperpars)

  # clustering, prob
  task = subsetTask(noclass.task, subset = 1:20, features = getTaskFeatureNames(noclass.task)[1:2])
  lrns = mylist(task, properties = "prob", create = TRUE)
  lapply(lrns, testBasicLearnerProperties, task = task, hyperpars = hyperpars,
    pred.type = "prob")

  # cluster with weights
  lrns = mylist("cluster", properties = "weights", create = TRUE)
  lapply(lrns, testThatLearnerRespectsWeights, hyperpars = hyperpars,
    task = task, train.inds = 1:20, test.inds = 1:20, weights = rep(c(1, 5), length.out = 20),
    pred.type = "prob", get.pred.fun = getPredictionProbabilities)
guillermozbta/s2 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:01 p.m.