
Defines functions size_sum.default size_sum obj_sum.AsIs obj_sum.default obj_sum vec_ptype_abbr.pillar_empty_col type_sum.default type_sum.factor type_sum.ordered type_sum

Documented in obj_sum size_sum type_sum

#' Provide a succinct summary of an object
#' `type_sum()` gives a brief summary of object type. Objects that commonly
#' occur in a data frame should return a string with four or less characters.
#' For most inputs, the argument is forwarded to [vctrs::vec_ptype_abbr()].
#' When formatting a pillar,
#' `type_sum()` will be called on a slice of the column vector.
#' The formatted type should only depend on the type and not on the data,
#' to avoid confusion.
#' @param x an object to summarise. Generally only methods of atomic vectors
#'   and variants have been implemented.
#' @export
type_sum <- function(x) {

#' @export
type_sum.ordered <- function(x) {
  # r-lib/vctrs#323:

#' @export
type_sum.factor <- function(x) {
  # r-lib/vctrs#323:

#' @export
type_sum.default <- function(x) {
  pillar_attr <- attr(x, "pillar", exact = TRUE)

  label <- pillar_attr$label
  if (!is.null(label)) {

  if (is.object(x) || vec_is(x)) {

    builtin = ,
    special = ,
    closure = "fn",
    environment = "env",
    symbol =
      if (is_missing(x)) {
      } else {

#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.pillar_empty_col <- function(x, ...) {

#' @description
#' `obj_sum()` also includes the size (but not the shape) of the object
#' if [vctrs::vec_is()] is `TRUE`.
#' It should always return a string (a character vector of length one).
#' As of pillar v1.6.1, the default method forwards to [vctrs::vec_ptype_abbr()]
#' for vectors and to [type_sum()] for other objects.
#' Previous versions always forwarded to [type_sum()].
#' An attribute named `"short"` in the return value will be picked up by
#' the [pillar_shaft()] method for lists, and used if space is limited.
#' @examples
#' obj_sum(1:10)
#' obj_sum(matrix(1:10))
#' obj_sum(data.frame(a = 1))
#' obj_sum(Sys.Date())
#' obj_sum(Sys.time())
#' obj_sum(mean)
#' @rdname type_sum
#' @export
obj_sum <- function(x) {

#' @export
obj_sum.default <- function(x) {
  if (!vec_is(x)) {
  } else {
    abbr <- vec_ptype_abbr(x, suffix_shape = FALSE)

    out <- paste(abbr, size_sum(x))
    if (is.array(x)) {
      short <- paste0(abbr, "[", symbol$ellipsis, "]")
    } else {
      short <- abbr

    structure(out, short = short)

#' @export
obj_sum.AsIs <- function(x) {
  paste0("I(", obj_sum(remove_as_is_class(x)), ")")

#' @description
#' `size_sum()` is called by `obj_sum()` to format the size of the object.
#' It should always return a string (a character vector of length one),
#' it can be an empty string `""` to omit size information,
#' this is what the default method does for scalars.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' size_sum(1:10)
#' size_sum(trees)
#' size_sum(Titanic)
#' @rdname type_sum
#' @export
size_sum <- function(x) {

#' @export
size_sum.default <- function(x) {
  if (!vec_is(x)) {

  paste0("[", dim_desc(x), "]")
hadley/colformat documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 10:36 p.m.