
#' Tag an item
#' @author Hadley Wickham
#' @keywords internal
tag <- function(x) attr(x, "Rd_tag")

#' Untag an item
#' @author Hadley Wickham
#' @keywords internal
untag <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) return()
  attr(x, "Rd_tag") <- ""

#' List tags
#' list all the tags within a object
#' @param rd rd in question
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal
list_tags <- function(rd) {
  tags <- c()
  for (i in seq_along(rd)) {
    tag_item <- tag(rd[[i]])
    if (length(tag_item) < 1) {
      tag_item <- ""
    tags[i] <- tag_item

#' Recursively reconstruct R documentation.
#' @param rd rd in question
#' @author Hadley Wickham and Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal
reconstruct <- function(rd, package = NULL) {
  if (is.null(rd)) return("")
  if (!is.list(rd) && is.null(attr(rd, "Rd_tag"))) return(as.character(rd))
  tag <- tag(rd)
  if (is.list(rd) & length(rd) > 0 & "\\item" %in% list_tags(rd)) {
    reconstruct(parse_items(rd, package), package)
  } else if (length(tag) == 0 || tag == "TEXT" || tag == "") {
    # Collapse text strings
#    str_trim(str_c(sapply(rd, reconstruct), collapse = ""))
    as.character(str_c(sapply(rd, reconstruct, package = package), collapse = ""))

  } else if (is_section(tag)) {
    # Sections should be arranged into paragraphs    
    text <- reconstruct(untag(rd), package)
    paras <- str_trim(str_split(text, "\\n\\n")[[1]])
    str_c("<p>", paras, "</p>", "\n\n", collapse = "")      
  } else if (tag %in% names(simple_tags())) {
    # If we can process tag with just prefix & suffix, do so
    tag_simple(tag, reconstruct(untag(rd), package))

  } else if (tag == "\\link") {
    # Make sure it exists
    stopifnot(length(rd) == 1)
    fun <- rd[[1]]
    pkg <- attr(rd, "Rd_option")
    if (!is.null(pkg)) {
      if (str_sub(pkg, end = 1) == "=") {
        tag_link(str_sub(pkg, start = 2))
      } else {
        tag_link(fun, pkg)
    } else {
  } else if (tag == "\\eqn") {
    str_c("<code>", reconstruct(untag(rd[[1]]), package), "</code>")
  } else if (tag == "\\deqn") {
    if (length(rd) < 2) {
      str_c("<code>", reconstruct(untag(rd[[1]]), package), "</code>")
    } else {
      str_c("<code>", reconstruct(untag(rd[[2]]), package), "</code>")
  } else if (tag == "\\url") {
    stopifnot(length(rd) == 1)
    str_c("<a href='", rd[[1]], "'>", rd[[1]], "</a>")

  } else if (tag == "\\email") {
    author_email(reconstruct(untag(rd), package), rd[[1]][1])      
  } else if (tag == "COMMENT") {    
#    txt <- as.character(rd)
#    str_replace_all(txt, "%", "#")
  } else if (tag == "\\enc") {
    reconstruct(rd[[1]], package)
  } else if (tag == "\\method" || tag == "\\S3method") {
    str_c(reconstruct(rd[[1]], package),".",reconstruct(rd[[2]], package))
  } else if (tag %in% c("\\dontshow", "\\testonly")) {
    "" # don't show it to the user
  } else if (tag == "\\dontrun") {
      "## <strong>Not run</strong>:", 
      str_replace_all(reconstruct(untag(rd), package), "\n", "\n#"), 
      "## <strong>End(Not run)</strong>"

  } else if (tag == "\\special") {
    txt <- reconstruct(untag(rd), package)
    # replace '<' and '>' with html markings avoid browser misinterpretation
    txt <- str_replace_all(txt, "<", "&#60;")
    txt <- str_replace_all(txt, ">", "&#62;")
    txt <- str_replace_all(txt, "\\\\dots", "...")

    stupid <- unlist(str_match_all(txt, "\\\\[a-zA-Z]*"))
    for (i in seq_len(length(stupid))) {
      message("Uknown tag (", stupid[i], ") found in 'special' tag")
    str_c("<em>", txt, "</em>")

  } else if (tag == "\\tabular") {
  } else if (tag %in% c("\\ifelse", "\\if")) {
    if ("html" == rd[[1]][[1]]) {
      reconstruct(rd[[2]], package)
    } else if (tag == "\\ifelse") {
      reconstruct(rd[[3]], package)      
  } else if (tag == "\\S4method") {
    str_c("## S4 method for signature '",reconstruct(rd[[2]], package),"':\n", reconstruct(rd[[1]], package), sep ="")

  } else if (tag == "\\linkS4class") {
    require(package, character.only=TRUE)
    item <- reconstruct(untag(rd), package)
    tag_link(item, package, str_c(item, "-class", collapse = ""))

  } else if (tag == "\\Sexpr") {
    expr <- eval(parse(text = rd), envir=globalenv())
    con <- textConnection(expr)
    value <- reconstruct(parse_Rd(con,fragment=T), package)
  } else if (tag == "\\section"){
    title <- str_c("<h3>", reconstruct(rd[[1]][[1]], package), "</h3>", collapse = "")
    content <- reconstruct(rd[[2]], package)
    content <- str_replace_all(content, "\n\n", "<br />")
    content <- str_c(content, "<br />")
    str_c(title, content)
  } else {
    message("Unknown tag ", tag, ". Please contact the 'helpr' maintainer. Thank you.")
    reconstruct(untag(rd), package)

#' Author Email Parsing
#' parse the author email
#' @param name name of the email
#' @param address email address
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal
author_email <- function(name, address) {
  str_c("<a href='mailto:", address, "?subject=(R-Help): '>", name, "</a>")

#' tag a simple item
#' tag an item that is contained in the simple tags list
#' @param tag tag looking for
#' @param text text to go in the tag
#' @author Hadley Wickham
#' @keywords internal
tag_simple <- function(tag, text) {
  stopifnot(length(text) == 1)
  html <- simple_tags()[[tag]]
  str_c(html[1], text, html[2])

#' link to another topic
#' @param fun function to tag
#' @param pkg package to look in
#' @param topic_page topic page of the function
#' @author Hadley Wickham and Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal
tag_link <- function(fun, pkg = NULL, topic_page = fun) {
  if (!is.null(pkg)) {
    str_c("<a href='", router_url(), "/package/", pkg, "/topic/", topic_page, "'>", fun, "</a>")        
  } else {
    str_c("<a href='", router_url(), function_help_path(fun), "'>", fun, "</a>")

#' Determines whether or not tag is a section
#' @param tag check to see if the tag is in a list of other tags
#' @author Hadley Wickham
#' @keywords internal
is_section <- function(tag) {
  tag %in% c("\\details", "\\description", "\\value", "\\author", "\\seealso")

#' All tags that can be parsed in a simple way.
#' @author Hadley Wickham
#' @keywords internal
simple_tags <- function() { 
  "\\acronym" =      c('<acronym>','</acronym>'),
  "\\bold" =         c("<b>", "</b>"),
  "\\cite" =         c("<cite>", "</cite>"),
  "\\code" =         c("<code>", "</code>"),
  "\\command" =      c("<code>", "</code>"),
  "\\cr" =           c("<br >", ""),
  "\\describe" =     c("<span class='describe'>", "</span>"),
  "\\dfn" =          c("<dfn>", "</dfn>"),
  "\\donttest" =     c("", ""),
  "\\dots" =         c("...", ""),
  "\\dquote" =       c("&#147;", "&#148;"),
  "\\dQuote" =       c("&#147;", "&#148;"),
  "\\emph" =         c("<em>", "</em>"),
  "\\enumerate" =    c("<ol>", "</ol>"),
  "\\env" =          c('<span class = "env">', '</span>'),
  "\\file" =         c('&#145;<span class = "file">', '</span>&#146;'),
  "\\item" =         c("<li>", "</li>"),
  "\\itemize" =      c("<ul>", "</ul>"),
  "\\kbd" =          c("<kbd>", "</kbd>"),
  "\\ldots" =        c("...", ""),
  "\\option" =       c('<span class = "option">',"</span>"),
  "\\out" =          c("", ""),
  "\\pkg" =          c('<span class = "pkg">',"</span>"),
  "\\preformatted" = c("<pre>","</pre>"),
  "\\R" =            c('<span style="R">R</span>', ""),
  "\\samp" =         c('<span class = "samp">',"</span>"),
  "\\sQuote" =       c("&#145;","&#146;"),
  "\\strong" =       c("<strong>", "</strong>"),
  "\\text" =         c("<p>", "</p>"),
  "\\var" =          c("<var>", "</var>"),
  "\\verb" =         c("<code>", "</code>"),

  "RCODE" =          c("", ""),
  "VERB" =           c("", ""),
  "LIST" =          c("<ul>", "</ul>")

#' Determines whether or not the item has text.
#' @param x item in question
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal
has_text <- function(x) {
  trim <- str_trim(x)
  !is.null(x) && trim != "" && length(trim) > 0

#' Determines whether or not the dataframe has rows.
#' @param x item in question
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal
dataframe_has_rows <- function(x) {
  NROW(x) > 0 && x != ""

#' Parse Text
#' wrapper to parser's \code{parser(text = text)}
#' @param text text to be parsed
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal
#' @import parser
parse_text <- function(text) {
  output <- suppressWarnings(parser::parser(text = text))
  if (!dataframe_has_rows(attr(output, "data"))) {
  } else {

#' Pluralize
#' pluralize a string with either the default 's' according to the boolean statement
#' @param string string to be pluralized
#' @param obj object to look at
#' @param plural plural string
#' @param bool_statement boolean to use to determine which string to use
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal 
pluralize <- function(string, obj, plural = str_c(string, "s"), bool_statement = NROW(obj)) {
  if (bool_statement) {
  } else {

#' Strip HTML
#' strip the HTML from a text string
#' @param x text string in question
#' @author Hadley Wickham
#' @keywords internal 
strip_html <- function(x) {
  str_replace_all(x, "</?.*?>", "")

#' Parse a Tabular Section
#' Parse a tabular section to include the text alignments
#' @param tabular rd item to parsed
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal 
parse_tabular <- function(tabular) {
  #' make all alignements into left, right or center
  alignments <- unlist(str_split(tabular[[1]][[1]], ""))
  alignments <- alignments[nchar(alignments) > 0]
  #' remove line markings
  alignments <- alignments[alignments != "|"]
  alignments <- c("r" = "right", "l" = "left", "c" = "center")[alignments]
  rows <- tabular[[2]]
  column <- 1
  output <- character(length(rows))
  #' Go through each item and reconstruct it if it is not a tab or carriage return
  for (i in seq_along(rows)) {
    row_tag <- tag(rows[[i]])

    if (row_tag == "\\tab") {
      column <- column + 1
      output[i] <- str_c("</td><td align='", alignments[column], "'>")
    } else if (row_tag == "\\cr") {
      output[i] <- str_c("</td></tr><tr><td align='", alignments[1], "'>")
      column <- 1
    } else {
      output[i] <- reconstruct(rows[[i]], package)
  output[1] <- str_c("<table><tr><td align='", alignments[1], "'>", output[1])
  output[length(rows)] <- str_c(output[length(rows)], "</td></tr></table>")

  str_c(output, collapse = "")

#' Parse a list containing "\\item" tags.
#' It will replace the items with plan, non-attributed text.  It needs to be a 'pre-parser' as it must be done before the whole list is reconstructed
#' @param rd R documentation item to be altered and then returned
#' @param package package looking at
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal 
parse_items <- function(rd, package) {
  tags <- list_tags(rd)
  is_items <- rep(TRUE, length(tags))

  for (i in rev(seq_along(tags))) {
    if (tags[i] != "\\item") {
      rd_i <- reconstruct(rd[[i]], package)
      if (str_trim(rd_i) != "") {
        is_items[i] <- FALSE
      } else if (str_trim(rd_i) == "") {
        if (i == length(tags)) {
          is_items[i] <- FALSE
        } else{
          is_items[i] <- is_items[i+1]
  item_groups <- group_int_arr(subset(seq_along(tags), is_items))
#  non_item_groups <- group_int_arr(subset(seq_along(tags), !is_items))
  for (i in item_groups) {
    item_text <- parse_item_list(rd[i], package)
    rd[i] <- ""
    rd[i[1]] <- item_text

#' Group items into similar sections.
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal 
group_int_arr <- function(arr) {
  n <- length(arr)
  groups <- c(0, cumsum(arr[-n] != arr[-1] - 1))
  split(arr, groups)

#' Parse a group of "\\item" into a table with a bold item and reconstructed
#' description.
#' @param rd item to be parsed
#' @param package package looking at
#' @return table text with no attributes
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal 
parse_item_list <- function(rd, package) {
  tags <- list_tags(rd)
  items <- rd[tags == "\\item"]
  items_text <- sapply(items, function(x) {
    if (length(x) < 1) {
      # small item in item list
    } else{
      str_c("<tr><td><strong>",reconstruct(x[[1]], package), "</strong></td><td>", reconstruct(x[[2]], package), "</td></tr>", collapse = "")
  str_c("<table>", str_c(items_text, collapse = ""), "</table>", collapse = "")

#' Functions used in the string of functions.
#' @param txt text in question.  should be full of functions
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal
functions_used <- function(txt) {
  if (txt == "") return("")

  par_text <- parse_text(txt)
  d <- attr(par_text, "data")
  if (is.null(d)) return("");
  funcs <- subset(d, token.desc == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL", select = "text")$text
#  funcs_u <- unique(funcs$text)
#  funcs_u[order(funcs_u)]

hadley/helpr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:41 a.m.