
test_that("Formatting a date works", {
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.Date("02-01-2018", format = "%m-%d-%Y")),
    info = "Standard date formatting works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.Date("02-01-2018", format = "%m-%d-%Y"), usetz = TRUE),
    info = "usetz is ignored with dates"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.Date("02-01-2018", format = "%m-%d-%Y"), usetz="Z"),
               info="usetz='Z' is ignored with dates")
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.Date("02-01-2018", format = "%m-%d-%Y"), precision = "y"),
    info = "precision is respected (y)"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.Date("02-01-2018", format = "%m-%d-%Y"), precision = "ym"),
    info = "precision is respected (ym)"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.Date("02-01-2018", format = "%m-%d-%Y"), precision = "ymd"),
    info = "precision is respected (ymd)"
    expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.Date("02-01-2018", format = "%m-%d-%Y"), precision = "ymdh"),
      info = "precision is respected (ymdh)"
    info = "Requesting too much precision gives a warning and the maximum precision."

test_that("Formatting a datetime works", {
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.POSIXct("2018-02-01 03:04:05", tz = "EST")),
    info = "Standard datetime formatting works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.POSIXct("2018-02-01 03:04:05", tz = "EST"), usetz = TRUE),
    info = "usetz is respected with datetimes"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.POSIXct("2018-02-01 03:04:05", tz="EST"), usetz="Z"),
               info="usetz='Z' is respected with datetimes")
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.POSIXct("2018-02-01 03:04:05", tz = "EST"), precision = "y"),
    info = "precision is respected (y)"
  # Uncertain if this is the best result; including a test so that if it changes
  # the change is caught.
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.POSIXct("2018-02-01 03:04:05", tz = "EST"), precision = "y", usetz = TRUE),
    info = "precision is respected (y) with timezone"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(as.POSIXct("2018-02-01 03:04:05", tz = "EST"), precision = "ymdhm"),
    info = "precision is respected (ymdhm)"

test_that("Formatting a Duration works", {
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(duration(20, units = "seconds")),
    info = "Standard duration formatting works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(duration(20, units = "minutes")),
    paste0("PT", 20 * 60, "S"),
    info = "Duration always formats as seconds to ensure precision."
  expect_warning(format_ISO8601(duration(20, units = "minutes"), precision = "y"),
    regexp = "precision is not used for Duration objects",
    fixed = TRUE

test_that("Formatting a Period works", {
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(period(1, units = "seconds")),
    info = "A period of 1 second works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(period(1, units = "minute")),
    info = "A period of 1 minute works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(period(1, units = "hour")),
    info = "A period of 1 hour works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(period(1, units = "day")),
    info = "A period of 1 day works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(period(1, units = "month")),
    info = "A period of 1 month works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(period(1, units = "year")),
    info = "A period of 1 year works"

  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(period(1, units = "seconds") + period(1, units = "year")),
    info = "More than one unit works"

  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(period(0, units = "seconds")),
    info = "zero-length period (seconds specified)"

  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(period(0, units = "year")),
    info = "zero-length period (years specified)"

test_that("Formatting an Interval works", {
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(interval(start = "2018-02-01", end = "2018-03-04")),
    info = "Standard interval formatting works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(interval(start = "2018-02-01", end = "2018-03-04"), precision = "ymd"),
    info = "interval formatting respects precision (ymd)"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(interval(start = "2018-02-01", end = "2018-03-04", tzone = "EST"), usetz = TRUE),
    info = "interval formatting respects timezone"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601(interval(start="2018-02-01", end="2018-03-04", tzone="EST"), usetz="Z"),
               info="interval formatting respects usetz='Z'")

test_that("formatting precision provides accurate format strings", {
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601_precision_check(precision = "y", max_precision = "ymd", usetz = FALSE),
    info = "simple formatting works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601_precision_check(precision = "y", max_precision = "ymd", usetz = TRUE),
    info = "timezone formatting works"
  expect_equal(format_ISO8601_precision_check(precision = NULL, max_precision = "ymd", usetz = FALSE),
    info = "NULL yields max_precision"
  expect_error(format_ISO8601_precision_check(precision = "foo", max_precision = "ymd", usetz = FALSE),
    regexp = "Invalid value for precision provided: foo",
    fixed = TRUE,
    info = "invalid precision is an error"
  expect_error(format_ISO8601_precision_check(precision = NULL, max_precision = "foo", usetz = FALSE),
    regexp = "Invalid value for max_precision provided: foo",
    fixed = TRUE,
    info = "invalid max_precision is an error"
  expect_error(format_ISO8601_precision_check(precision = "ymd", max_precision = "foo", usetz = FALSE),
    regexp = "Invalid value for max_precision provided: foo",
    fixed = TRUE,
    info = "invalid max_precision is an error (even if it's not used)"
  expect_error(format_ISO8601_precision_check(precision = c("ymd", "ymdh"), max_precision = "ymdh", usetz = FALSE),
    regexp = "precision must be a scalar"
    expect_equal(format_ISO8601_precision_check(precision = "ymdh", max_precision = "ymd", usetz = FALSE),
      info = "max_precision is respected"
    regexp = "More precision requested (ymdh) than allowed (ymd) for this format.  Using maximum allowed precision.",
    fixed = TRUE,
    info = "max_precision is warned"
hadley/lubridate documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 12:24 a.m.