
context("Data frames")

test_that("results ordered in order of split variables", {
  d <- data.frame(x = c("a","b"), y = c("d","c"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  plyed <- ddply(d, c("x" ,"y"))
  expect_that(plyed$x, equals(c("a", "b")))
  expect_that(plyed$y, equals(c("d", "c")))

  plyed <- ddply(d, c("y" ,"x"))
  expect_that(plyed$y, equals(c("c", "d")))
  expect_that(plyed$x, equals(c("b", "a")))


test_that("character vectors not change to factors", {
  d <- data.frame(x = c("a","b"), y = c("d","c"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  plyed <- ddply(d, c("x" ,"y"), nrow)
  expect_that(plyed$x, is_a("character"))
  expect_that(plyed$y, is_a("character"))

  plyed <- ddply(d, c("x"), identity)
  expect_that(plyed$x, is_a("character"))
  expect_that(plyed$y, is_a("character"))

  plyed <- ddply(d, c("x" ,"y"), nrow, .drop = FALSE)
  expect_that(plyed$x, is_a("character"))
  expect_that(plyed$y, is_a("character"))

  plyed <- ddply(d, c("x"), identity, .drop = FALSE)
  expect_that(plyed$x, is_a("character"))
  expect_that(plyed$y, is_a("character"))

# Bug report contributed by Thomas P Harte <THarte@tiaa-cref.org>
test_that("column names not changed", {
  d1 <- data.frame(`--WEIRD`=1:5, a = letters[1:5], `-b` = 1:5,
    check.names = FALSE)
  d2 <- ddply(d1, .(`--WEIRD`), force)
  expect_that(names(d2), equals(names(d1)))


# Bug reported by Karl Ove Hufthammer <karl@huftis.org>
test_that("label variables always preserved", {

  d <- data.frame(x = 101:104, y = 1:4)
  f <- function(df) sum(df$y)
  g <- function(df) if(df$x <= 102) sum(df$y)

  out1 <- ddply(d, "x", f) # This one works correctly
  out2 <- ddply(d, "x", g) # This one doesn’t

  expect_that(names(out1), equals(names(out2)))
  expect_that(out1$x[1:2], equals(out2$x))


# Test for #140
test_that(".id column can be renamed or dropped", {
  l <- llply(1:4, function(i) rep(i, i))
  names(l) <- 1:4
  f <- function(l) data.frame(sum=sum(unlist(l)))

  out1 <- ldply(l, f)
  out2 <- ldply(l, f, .id='x')
  out3 <- ldply(l, f, .id=NULL)

  expect_equal(names(out1), c('.id', 'sum'))
  expect_equal(names(out2), c('x', 'sum'))
  expect_equal(names(out3), c('sum'))

  expect_identical(out1$.id, names(l))
  expect_identical(out2$x, factor(names(l)))

  out4 <- ldply(l, f, .id='sum') # names conflict
  expect_equal(names(out4), c('sum'))

  out5 <- ldply(l, f, .id=NA) # defaults
  expect_equal(names(out5), c('.id', 'sum'))
  expect_identical(out5$.id, names(l))

  out6 <- ldply(l, f, .id='.id') # defaults
  expect_equal(names(out6), c('.id', 'sum'))
  expect_identical(out6$.id, factor(names(l)))

  # no names = no .id column
  expect_equal(ldply(unname(l), f, .id=NA), out3)
  expect_equal(ldply(unname(l), f, .id="Name"), out3)
  expect_equal(ldply(unname(l), f, .id=NULL), out3)

  # todo: test for list with attr(,'split-labels'), needed?
hadley/plyr documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 8:20 a.m.