
Defines functions col_simplify df_simplify

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

df_simplify <- function(x,
                        ptype = NULL,
                        transform = NULL,
                        simplify = TRUE,
                        error_call = caller_env()) {

  ptype <- check_list_of_ptypes(ptype, names(x), call = error_call)
  transform <- check_list_of_functions(transform, names(x), call = error_call)
  simplify <- check_list_of_bool(simplify, names(x), call = error_call)

  x_n <- length(x)
  x_size <- vec_size(x)
  x_names <- names(x)

  out <- vector("list", length = x_n)
  names(out) <- x_names

  for (i in seq_len(x_n)) {
    col <- x[[i]]
    col_name <- x_names[[i]]

    col_ptype <- ptype[[col_name]]
    col_transform <- transform[[col_name]]
    col_simplify <- simplify[[col_name]] %||% TRUE

    out[[i]] <- col_simplify(
      x = col,
      ptype = col_ptype,
      transform = col_transform,
      simplify = col_simplify,
      error_call = error_call

  new_data_frame(out, n = x_size)

col_simplify <- function(x,
                         ptype = NULL,
                         transform = NULL,
                         simplify = TRUE,
                         error_call = caller_env()) {

  if (!is.null(transform)) {
    transform <- as_function(transform)

  if (!vec_is_list(x)) {
    if (!is.null(transform)) {
      x <- transform(x)
    if (!is.null(ptype)) {
      x <- vec_cast(x, ptype, call = error_call)

  if (!is.null(transform)) {
    x <- tidyr_new_list(x)
    x <- map(x, transform)
    # Can't convert result to list_of, as we can't be certain of element types
  if (!is.null(ptype)) {
    x <- tidyr_new_list(x)
    x <- vec_cast_common(!!!x, .to = ptype, .call = error_call)
    x <- new_list_of(x, ptype = ptype)

  if (!simplify) {

  # Don't simplify lists of lists, because that typically indicates that
  # there might be multiple values.
  if (is_list_of(x)) {
    has_list_of_list <- vec_is_list(list_of_ptype(x))
  } else {
    has_list_of_list <- any(map_lgl(x, vec_is_list))
  if (has_list_of_list) {

  # Don't try and simplify non-vectors. list-of types always contain vectors.
  if (is_list_of(x)) {
    has_non_vector <- FALSE
  } else {
    has_non_vector <- !list_all_vectors2(x)
  if (has_non_vector) {

  out <- tidyr_new_list(x)
  ptype <- list_of_ptype(x)
  sizes <- list_sizes(out)

  # Ensure empty elements are filled in with their correct size 1 equivalent
  info <- list_replace_null(out, sizes, ptype = ptype)
  out <- info$x
  sizes <- info$sizes

  info <- list_replace_empty_typed(out, sizes, ptype = ptype)
  out <- info$x
  sizes <- info$sizes

  # Don't try to simplify if there are any size >1 left at this point
  has_non_scalar <- any(sizes != 1L)
  if (has_non_scalar) {

  # Assume that if combining fails, then we want to return the object
  # after the `ptype` and `transform` have been applied, but before the
  # empty element filling and list attribute stripping was applied
    list_unchop(out, ptype = ptype),
    vctrs_error_incompatible_type = function(e) x
hadley/tidyr documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 4:20 a.m.