
Defines functions highlight_version package_version_h tidyverse_attach_message tidyverse_attach same_library core_unloaded

core <- c("ggplot2", "tibble", "tidyr", "readr", "purrr", "dplyr", "stringr", "forcats", "lubridate")

core_unloaded <- function() {
  search <- paste0("package:", core)
  core[!search %in% search()]

# Attach the package from the same package library it was
# loaded from before. https://github.com/tidyverse/tidyverse/issues/171
same_library <- function(pkg) {
  loc <- if (pkg %in% loadedNamespaces()) dirname(getNamespaceInfo(pkg, "path"))
  library(pkg, lib.loc = loc, character.only = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

tidyverse_attach <- function() {
  to_load <- core_unloaded()

    lapply(to_load, same_library)


tidyverse_attach_message <- function(to_load) {
  if (length(to_load) == 0) {

  header <- cli::rule(
    left = cli::style_bold("Attaching core tidyverse packages"),
    right = paste0("tidyverse ", package_version_h("tidyverse"))

  to_load <- sort(to_load)
  versions <- vapply(to_load, package_version_h, character(1))

  packages <- paste0(
    cli::col_green(cli::symbol$tick), " ", cli::col_blue(format(to_load)), " ",
    cli::ansi_align(versions, max(cli::ansi_nchar(versions)))

  if (length(packages) %% 2 == 1) {
    packages <- append(packages, "")
  col1 <- seq_len(length(packages) / 2)
  info <- paste0(packages[col1], "     ", packages[-col1])

  paste0(header, "\n", paste(info, collapse = "\n"))

package_version_h <- function(pkg) {

highlight_version <- function(x) {
  x <- as.character(x)

  is_dev <- function(x) {
    x <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
    !is.na(x) & x >= 9000

  pieces <- strsplit(x, ".", fixed = TRUE)
  pieces <- lapply(pieces, function(x) ifelse(is_dev(x), cli::col_red(x), x))
  vapply(pieces, paste, collapse = ".", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
hadley/tidyverse documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 5:30 a.m.