
Defines functions laplace.fn

Documented in laplace.fn

laplace.fn <-
function(tune.vec,x.t,y.t,betahat.tm1,varbetahat.tm1) {

if (!is.matrix(x.t)) {
     dim(x.t) <- c(1,length(x.t))
    Rhat.t <- varbetahat.tm1
    diag(Rhat.t) <- diag(Rhat.t) / tune.vec
    yhat.t <- dlogr.predict(x.t,betahat.tm1)
    d <- ncol(x.t)
    Del1 <- t(x.t) %*% (y.t - yhat.t)
	Del2 <- -solve(Rhat.t) - (t(x.t) * matrix(rep(yhat.t*(1-yhat.t), d),nrow=d, byrow=TRUE)) %*% x.t
    betahat.t <- betahat.tm1 - (solve(Del2) %*% Del1)
  #use rounding to deal with numerical issues with Rhat
  # if(max(Rhat.t-t(Rhat.t))>0){p.theta <- dmnorm(t(betahat.t),t(betahat.tm1),round(Rhat.t,7))}
  # else{p.theta <- dmnorm(t(betahat.t),t(betahat.tm1),Rhat.t)}
    # Use log of MVN density directly (to avoid numerical issues)
    log.p.theta <- -d/2 * log(2*pi) - .5*sum(log(eigen(Rhat.t)$values)) - .5*t(betahat.t - betahat.tm1) %*% ginv(Rhat.t) %*% (betahat.t - betahat.tm1)
    K <- x.t %*% betahat.t
    # if exponent K too large or too small, approximate the log
    if(K > 700) {
        log.p.y <-  (y.t - 1) * K - exp(-K)
    } else {
        if(K < -700) {
            log.p.y <- (y.t - 1) * K + K
        } else log.p.y <- log(prod((exp(y.t*K))/(1 + exp(K))))
    #if(is.infinite(((d/2)*log(2*pi))+(.5*sum(log(abs(eigen(ginv(1*Del2))$values)))) + log.p.theta + log.p.y)) stop("") 
    #return(((d/2)*log(2*pi))+(.5*log(abs(det(ginv((1*Del2)))))) + log.p.theta + log.p.y)
    return(((d/2)*log(2*pi))+(.5*sum(log(abs(eigen(ginv(1*Del2))$values)))) + log.p.theta + log.p.y)
hanase/dma documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:27 p.m.