
#' Copy package info to cloud
#' \code{pkg_copy()} saves the names of local R packages to a temporary
#' cloud drive and provides a download code if the process is successful.
#' The download code can be used in \code{pkg_paste()} to re-install packages
#' in a different environment. \cr\cr This function should be run in the
#' old/source environment.
#' @param lib.loc Library Location. It's an argument passed to
#' \code{installed.packages()}.
#' @examples
#' pkg_copy()
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @importFrom httr POST upload_file content
#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @export

pkg_copy <- function(lib.loc = NULL){
  # Check installed packages
  installed_pkg <- installed.packages(lib.loc = lib.loc)
  installed_pkg <- dimnames(installed_pkg)[[1]]

  # Move to a temp dir and write the names of pkgs to a csv file
  temp_file <- tempfile()
  writeLines(installed_pkg, temp_file)

  # Send curl repuest to uguu and store the HTTP response
  curl_response <- POST(
    url = "https://uguu.se/api.php?d=upload",
    body = list(
      file = upload_file(temp_file),
      name = "pkgs")

  if(curl_response$status_code == 200){
    message("Success! You just copied your R package info to cloud!")
  }else{stop("Failed! You can report problems at ",

  # Retrive the download code from the HTTP response
  download_code <- str_match(
    content(curl_response, "text"),

      "Your download code is: ", download_code,
      "\nThis code will expire in 24 hours. ",
      "Re-run this function if time runs out."
haozhu233/restorepkg documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:40 p.m.