CMBBHT: Cell-Means-Based Bayesian Hypothesis Tests

This package performs Bayesian hypothesis tests of designs where cell means are estimated with single parameters. It also works for designs where it is not cell means themselves that are estimated, but differences from a grand mean or intercept. It includes functions for testing main effects and interactions. It can used with nested and unbalanced designs, with a little effort.


This package can be installed directly from this repository with the following commands in R:

#You can skip this if you already have these packages installed and up-to-date
install.packages(c("devtools", "R.rsp"))

#Install the package
devtools::install_github("hardmanko/CMBBHT", build_vignettes = TRUE)

You can install a particular release by appending a release tag, e.g., @v0.1.3 to the repository name.

devtools::install_github("hardmanko/CMBBHT@v0.1.3", build_vignettes = TRUE)


Once the package is installed, open the manual with

vignette("Manual", "CMBBHT")

In addition to the manual, there is a tutorial vignette that can be opened with

vignette("BinomialTutorial", "CMBBHT")

Both the manual and the tutuorial can be found in the vignettes directory of this repository.

hardmanko/CMBBHT documentation built on June 9, 2022, 12:44 a.m.