getEffectParameters: Calculate Effect Parameter Matrix

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getEffectParametersR Documentation

Calculate Effect Parameter Matrix


From a matrix of cell means, the factors in the experiment, and information about which factor to test, creates a matrix of ANOVA effect parameters.


getEffectParameters(cellMeans, factors, testedFactors, dmFactors = NULL,
  contrastType = NULL, warnOnDrop = FALSE)



A matrix of cell means. Each column is a cell and each row is a sample from the prior or posterior. The columns must correspond to the rows of factors.


See testHypothesis.


See testHypothesis.


See testHypothesis.


See testHypothesis.


Emit a warning if columns of the design matrix are dropped due to it not being full rank.


The steps of the procedure:

  1. Calculate the design matrix, X. 1b. If design is not fully crossed, strip excess terms from X.

  2. If mu are cell means and beta are effect parameters, then mu = X * beta and beta = (X' * X)^-1 * X' * mu. Calculate S = (X' * X)^-1 * X'.

  3. Calculate beta = S * mu.

  4. Select out only the beta needed for the testedFactors, beta_s.

  5. Select the corresponding columns (and rows) in X, X_s.

  6. Complete the required effect parameters with X_s * beta_s. This is not the same as mu = X * beta because only subsets of X and beta are used.


A matrix of effect parameters where each column is one parameter and each row is a sample from the prior or posterior (depending on what cellmeans was). The columns are named with factor level names.

See Also

See also summarizeEffectParameters and groupEffectParameters.

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