soprobMarkovOrd: soprobMarkovOrd

soprobMarkovOrdR Documentation



State Occupancy Probabilities for First-Order Markov Ordinal Model


soprobMarkovOrd(y, times, initial, absorb = NULL, intercepts, g, ...)



a vector of possible y values in order (numeric, character, factor)


vector of measurement times


initial value of y (baseline state; numeric, character, factr)


vector of absorbing states, a subset of y. The default is no absorbing states. (numeric, character, factor)


vector of intercepts in the proportional odds model, with length one less than the length of y


a user-specified function of three or more arguments which in order are yprev - the value of y at the previous time, the current time t, the gap between the previous time and the current time, an optional (usually named) covariate vector X, and optional arguments such as a regression coefficient value to simulate from. The function needs to allow yprev to be a vector and yprev must not include any absorbing states. The g function returns the linear predictor for the proportional odds model aside from intercepts. The returned value must be a matrix with row names taken from yprev. If the model is a proportional odds model, the returned value must be one column. If it is a partial proportional odds model, the value must have one column for each distinct value of the response variable Y after the first one, with the levels of Y used as optional column names. So columns correspond to intercepts. The different columns are used for y-specific contributions to the linear predictor (aside from intercepts) for a partial or constrained partial proportional odds model. Parameters for partial proportional odds effects may be included in the ... arguments.


additional arguments to pass to g such as covariate settings


matrix with rows corresponding to times and columns corresponding to states, with values equal to exact state occupancy probabilities


Frank Harrell

See Also

harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.