MainSeqFragmentClass1: Calculate Neoantigen Candidates from A Given Sequence for MHC...

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MainSeqFragmentClass1R Documentation

Calculate Neoantigen Candidates from A Given Sequence for MHC Class1


Calculate Neoantigen Candidates from A Given Sequence for MHC Class1


  input_sequence = NA,
  group_ids = seq(1:length(reference_nm_id)),
  hla_file = "here_is_a_table",
  hla_types = NA,
  file_name_in_hla_table = NA,
  refflat_file = paste(hmdir, "lib/refFlat.txt", sep = "/"),
  refmrna_file = paste(hmdir, "lib/refMrna.fa", sep = "/"),
  hmdir = getwd(),
  job_id = "ID",
  export_dir = paste("result", job_id, "SeqFragment1", sep = "."),
  netMHCpan_dir = paste(hmdir, "lib/netMHCpan-4.0/netMHCpan", sep = "/"),
  peptide_length = c(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13),
  reference_nm_id = NA,
  reference_gene_symbol = NA,
  ignore_short = TRUE



(Required) An input amino acid sequence


flag to cluster the same group


A tab separated file indicating HLA types. The 1st column is input_file name, and the following columns indicate HLA types.

See by data(sample_hla_table_c1); sample_hla_table_c1;


Set a list of HLA types


If the name (1st column) in HLA table is not the same as input_file, indicate the corresponding name (Default=input_file).


refFlat file to be used in constructing peptide. (Default=paste(hmdir, "lib/refFlat.txt", sep="").

See ""


refMrna file to be used in constructing peptide (Default=paste(hmdir, "lib/refMrna.fa", sep="").

See ""


Home directory for the analysis (Default = getwd()).


Job-Id to be attached in output files (Default = "NO_job_id").


The directory will be stored results (Default = "paste("result", file_name_in_hla_table, job_id, sep=".")")


The file directory to netMHCpan (Default="lib/netMHCpan-4.0/netMHCpan").


Peptide Length to be generated (Default = 8,9,10,11,12,13).


Corresponding original sequences that the input sequence is generated. If franctions of peptides generated from the input are included in the indicated protein, such peptides are removed. It can be indicated when gene_symbol is not NA.


Corresponding original sequences that the input sequence is generated. If franctions of peptides generated from the input are included in the indicated protein, such peptides are removed. It can be indicated when nm_id is not NA.


Ignore to output results of short peptide less than min (peptide_length)


void (Calculated Neoantigen Files will be generated as .tsv files.):

HLA: HLA type used to calculate neoantigen.

Pos: The position of a fraction of peptide used to be evaluated from the full-length peptide.

Gene Gene symbol used to be evaluated in NetMHCpan.

Evaluated_Mutant_Peptide: The mutant peptide to be evaluated.

Evaluated_Mutant_Peptide_Core: The core peptide of the mutant peptide to be evaluated in NetMHCpan.

Mut_EL: EL value for evaluated mutant peptide.

Mut_Rank: Rank value for evaluated mutanat peptide.

Chr: Chromosome Number of the mutation.

NM_ID: NM_ID used to construct peptides from the mutation.

Change: The annotation to be described in .vcf file.

Ref: reference type nucleic acid base.

Alt: alternative type nucleic acid base.

Prob: A probability of reference nucleic acid base described in .vcf file.

Mutation_Prob: A probability of alternative nucleic acid base described in .vcf file.

Exon_Start: The exon start position of the corrsponding NM_ID.

Exon_End: The exon end position of the corrsponding NM_ID.

Mutation_Position: The mutation position of the corrsponding NM_ID.

Total_Depth: The sum depth of the reference and alternative nucleic acid base.

Tumor_Depth: The depth of the alternative nucleic acid base.

Wt_Peptide: The full-length of the wild-type peptide.

Mutant_Peptide: The full-length of the mutant peptide.

Total_RNA: The expression amount of the corresponding RNA.

Tumor_RNA_Ratio: The variant allele frequency of the corresponding RNA.

Tumor_RNA: The modified amount of the corresponding RNA level based on RNA Reads.

Tumor_RNA_based_on_DNA: The modified amount of the corresponding RNA level based on DNA Reads.

MutRatio: The mean value of the cancer cell fraction probability.

MutRatio_Min: The 1% percentile of the cancer cell fraction probability.

MutRatio_Max: The 99% percentile of the cancer cell fraction probability.

P_I: Priority score using the EL. Please use CalculatePriorityScores <- function(result, useRNAvaf = FALSE)

P_R: Priority score using the percentage of rank affinity. Please use CalculatePriorityScores <- function(result, useRNAvaf = FALSE)

P: Priority score implemented in MuPeXI (Bjerregaard et al. 2017). Please use CalculatePriorityScores <- function(result, useRNAvaf = FALSE)

hase62/Neoantimon documentation built on July 8, 2024, 11:48 a.m.