Man pages for hawkdidy/prodata
Builds Protien Sequence And Subregion Molecular Weight Database.

conversionUniprot PTM names with standarized names and PTM molecular...
countPTMsA function that takes a protein dataframe and ptm data frame.
getGenPeptA function that takes a list of UIDs and returns a genPept...
getUIDA function that takes a protien/genelist and returns the...
humanMouseA function that takes a list of human genes and finds the...
keyplayersList of keyplayers for protiens active in a diabetic mouse...
molecWA function that takes a dataframe produced by the...
predictedMWA function that takes a protein dataframe produces by the...
ptmA function that takes a ptm data frame and a data frame of...
ptmCleanA function that takes a data frame of PTM modifications...
readPTMA function that takes an output file from the Uniprot command...
searchproA function that searches your output based on MW
unipA function that takes a list of UID and returns a list of...
vizA function that takes the dataframe created by the...
hawkdidy/prodata documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:06 p.m.