Man pages for hd2326/pageRank
Temporal and Multiplex PageRank for Gene Regulatory Network Analysis

accessibility_networkBuild Network from Accessibility Peaks.
adjust_graphRe-calculate PageRank
aracne_networkRe-format ARACNe Network.
bubble_plotMake Bubbleplot
clean_graphClean Graph
conformation_networkBuild Network from Conformation Peaks.
diff_graphCalculate Temporal PageRank from Two Graphs
gene_binBin Gene Expression Space
get_color_gradientGenerate Color Gradient
multiplex_page_rankCalculate Multiplex PageRank
P_distCalculate Probability-Based Distance
P_graphBuild Probability-Based Network
P_nullBuild Null Distribution of Probability-Based Distance
PXMarginal Probability Calculation
PXPYProduct of Marginal Probability
PXYJoint Probability Calculation
time_expmatGenerate Timewise Average Gene Expression
hd2326/pageRank documentation built on Dec. 18, 2020, 8:44 a.m.