
Defines functions contrastAsCoef

Documented in contrastAsCoef

contrastAsCoef <- function(design, contrast=NULL, first=TRUE)
#	Reform a design matrix so that one or more contrasts become simple coefficients
#	Gordon Smyth
#	31 August 2013. Last modified 14 Dec 2016.
	design <- as.matrix(design)
	if(is.null(contrast)) return(design)
	contrast <- as.matrix(contrast)
	if(ncol(design) != nrow(contrast)) stop("Length of contrast doesn't match ncol(design)")
	QRc <- qr(contrast)
	ncontrasts <- QRc$rank
	if(ncontrasts==0) stop("contrast is all zero")
	coef <- 1:ncontrasts
	designT <- qr.qty(QRc,t(design))
	R <- QRc$qr[coef,]
	designT[coef,] <- backsolve(R,designT[coef,,drop=FALSE])
	design <- t(designT)
	colnames(design) <- paste("Q",1:ncol(design),sep="")
	cn <- colnames(contrast)
	if(is.null(cn)) cn <- paste("C",QRc$pivot[coef],sep="")
	colnames(design)[coef] <- cn
	if(!first) {
		design <- cbind(design[,-coef,drop=FALSE],design[,coef,drop=FALSE])
		coef <- rev( ncol(design)-coef+1 )
hdeberg/limma documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 3:43 p.m.