
Defines functions scrape_scripps_stations

Documented in scrape_scripps_stations

#' Data scraper for active stations in the Scripps Project
#' Information for active stations is available at http://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/sampling_stations
#' @param baseURL url for station information
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @importFrom rvest html_table
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select
#' @importFrom tidyselect starts_with
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom readr parse_number
#' @importFrom lubridate today
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scripps_stations <- scrape_scripps_stations()
#' # save station info into file
#' save(scripps_stations, file="../wilydata/data/scripps_stations.rda")
scrape_scripps_stations <- function(baseURL = "http://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2") {

  stations <- "sampling_stations"

  root <- read_html(file.path(baseURL, stations))
  tables <- root %>% html_table(fill=TRUE)

  scripps_stations <- tables[[1]]

  root_urls <- root %>%
    html_nodes(":nth-child(6) .rollover-links a") %>%
  scripps_stations$Page <- file.path(baseURL, root_urls)

  # clean up station info

  scripps_stations <- scripps_stations %>%
    mutate(  # remove degree character
      Latitude = gsub("°", "", Latitude),
      Longitude = gsub("°", "", Longitude),
      dir_lat =  str_detect(Latitude, "S"),
      dir_long =  str_detect(Longitude, "W")
    ) %>%
      Latitude = parse_number(Latitude) * ifelse(dir_lat, -1, 1),
      Longitude = parse_number(Longitude) * ifelse(dir_long, -1, 1),
      Longitude = replace(Longitude, is.na(Longitude), 0)
    ) %>%
    select(- starts_with("dir")) %>%
    rename(Elevation = `Elevation (m)`) %>%
      Accessed = lubridate::today()

#' Data scraper for data from active stations in the Scripps Project
#' Information for active stations is available at http://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/sampling_stations
#' @param baseURL url for station information
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom lubridate today
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @export
#' @examples
#' safe_load <- purrr::safely(get_station_data)
#' library(wilydata)
#' scripps_data_co2 <- scripps_stations$Page %>%
#'   purrr::map_df(.f = function(s) {
#'    res <- safe_load(s, type="daily_flask_co2")
#'    if (!is.null(res$result)) {
#'      res$result$station_id <- basename(s)
#'    }
#'    res$result
#'  })
#' save(scripps_data_co2, file="../wilydata/data/scripps_data_co2.rda")
get_station_data <- function (stationURL, type = "daily_flask_co2", dataURL="http://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu") {
  station_root <- read_html(stationURL)

  table_urls <- station_root %>% html_nodes(".table-cell-borders a") %>% html_attr("href")
  idx <- grep(type, table_urls)
  if (length(idx) < 1) stop(sprintf("No measurements available for %s", type))
  if (length(idx) > 1) stop(sprintf("Multiple measurement files available for '%s', specify: %s", type, paste(basename(table_urls[idx]), collapse = ", ")))

  # now we only have one option, so let's download that file
  data <- readr::read_csv(file.path(dataURL, table_urls[idx]), skip=69, col_names =FALSE)
  data$accessed <- lubridate::today()
         date = "X1",
         time = "X2",
         excel.date = "X3",
         num.year = "X4",
         n = "X5",
         flag = "X6",
         co2 = "X7")
heike/wilyscraper documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:30 p.m.