# Test missing values messages
dftest2 <- dftest[sample(1:42, size = 38), c(1, 2, 4)]
test_that("df_to_x3p works as expected", {
df_to_x3p(dftest[, 1:3]),
"!is.null.dframe\\$value. is not TRUE"
expect_silent(tmp <- df_to_x3p(dftest[, c(1, 2, 4, 5)]))
matrix(dplyr::arrange(dftest, desc(y))$value,
byrow = F, nrow = 6
expect_equivalent(tmp$, list(sizeX = 6, sizeY = 7, incrementX = 1, incrementY = 1))
df2 <- dftest[,1:5]
expect_silent(tmp <- df_to_x3p(df2, var = "z"))
df2$annotation <- ifelse(df2$mask=="#00ff00", "green",
ifelse(df2$mask=="#ffff00", "yellow", "blue"))
expect_silent(tmp <- df_to_x3p(df2, var = "z"))
annotations1 <- tmp %>% x3p_show_xml("annotation")
# expect_identical(annotations1[3], list(Mask.Annotations3="yellow"))
df2$annotation <- factor(df2$annotation)
df2$mask <- factor(df2$mask)
expect_silent(tmp <- df_to_x3p(df2, var = "z"))
annotations2 <- tmp %>% x3p_show_xml("annotation")
expect_identical(annotations1, annotations2)
x3ptest2 <- df_to_x3p(dftest2),
"dframe has missing values ... they will be expanded"
test_that("x3p_to_df works as expected", {
expect_silent(tmp <- x3p_to_df(x3ptest_mask))
tmp %>%
dplyr::mutate(x = x + 1, y = y + 1) %>%
dplyr::arrange(y, x) %>%
dftest[, c(1, 2, 4, 5)]
x3ptest2 <- x3ptest
x3ptest2$ <- list(sizeX = NULL, sizeY = NULL, incrementX = NULL, incrementY = NULL)
expect_warning(tmp2 <- x3p_to_df(x3ptest2))
expect_equivalent(sort(tmp2$value), sort(dftest$value))
x3ptest2 <- x3ptest
x3ptest2$ <- list(
sizeX = NULL, sizeY = NULL, incrementX = NULL, incrementY = NULL,
num_obs_per_profile = 6, num_profiles = 7, profile_inc = 1, obs_inc = 1
expect_silent(tmp3 <- x3p_to_df(x3ptest2))
expect_equivalent(sort(tmp3$value), sort(dftest$value))
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