# Also tested in write_x3p using csafe logo
# Only need to test url portion of read_x3p here...
url <- ""
test_that("read_x3p works as expected", {
skip_if_offline(host = "")
skip_if(url_unreachable(url), message = "NRBTD is unreachable, skipping")
tmp <- try(read_x3p(url, quiet = T), silent = T)
skip_if(!("x3p" %in% class(tmp) ))
# tmp <- read_x3p(url, quiet = T)
expect_equivalent(tmp$$sizeY, 1588)
expect_equivalent(tmp$$incrementY, 1.5625e-06)
expect_equivalent(dim(tmp$surface.matrix), c(501, 1588))
expect_equivalent(tmp$$Revision[[1]], "ISO5436 - 2000")
# Test nonexistent file path
expect_error(read_x3p(file.path("does", "not", "exist.x3p")))
# Test wrong file format
expect_warning(read_x3p(system.file("pyramid.stl", package = "x3ptools"))))
# Test correct reading of x3p with size=4
expect_warning(read_x3p(tmpfile, size = 8))
tmp <- read_x3p(tmpfile, tmpdir = "tmpx3ptest")
unlink("tmpx3ptest", recursive = T, force = T)
# Test whether mask can be read correctly
tmp2 <- read_x3p(tmpfile2)
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