
#' Constrained L2 spline.
#' Function to compute a constrained L2 spline.
#' @param t Numeric vector of measurement times.
#' @param y Numeric vector of values to be fitted.
#' @param gfun Choice of Greens function (choose from G1-G10).
#' @param mp Numeric value. Number of points to evaluate spline in.
#' @param constr Numeric value in (-1, 0, 1, 2).
#'               Choice of constraint.
#'               -1: No constraint.
#'               0:  Positivity contraint.
#'               1:  Monotonicity constraint.
#'               2:  Convexity/concavity constraint.
#' @param sign Numeric value in (-1, 1).
#'             1:  Increasing, convexity.
#'             -1: Decreasing, concavity.
#' @param lambda Smoothness parameter.
#' @examples
#' t = generate.t(m = 25); y = generate.y(type = 2)(t) + generate.noise(t) + generate.noise(t)
#' plot(t, y, col = "blue")
#' S = constrSpline(t, y, G3, constr=1)
#' lines(attr(S, "t"), S)
#' t = generate.t(m = 25); y = -generate.y(type = 3)(t) + generate.noise(t) + generate.noise(t)
#' plot(t, y, col = "blue")
#' S = constrSpline(t, y, G3, constr=2, sign=-1)
#' lines(attr(S, "t"), S)
#' t = generate.t(m = 40); y = generate.y(type = 4)(t) + generate.noise(t)
#' plot(t, y, col = "blue")
#' S = constrSpline(t, y, G1, constr=0)
#' lines(t, S)
constrSpline = function(t, y, gfun, mp=100, constr=-1, sign=1, lambda=0.0001) {

  tp = seq(0, 1, length = mp)

  thetahat = thetafun(t, y, gfun, x = tp, lambda=lambda)

  L = lambda * ginv(as.matrix(outer(tp, tp, gfun)))

  Dmat = diag(mp) + L
  dvec = Dmat %*% thetahat

  if (constr == 1) {
    Amat = diag(x = -1, mp)
    Amat[cbind(1:(mp - 1), 2:mp)] = 1
    Amat = t(Amat)
    Amat = Amat[, -mp]

  if (constr == 0) {
    Amat = diag(mp)

  if (constr == 2) {
    Amat = diag(x = 0.5, mp)
    Amat[cbind(1:(mp - 1), 2:mp)] = -1
    Amat[cbind(1:(mp - 2), 3:mp)] = 0.5
    Amat = t(Amat)
    Amat = Amat[, -c(mp-1, mp)]

  proj       = solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, sign*Amat)
  thetahat_c = proj$solution

  out = spline(tp, thetahat_c, xout = t)$y

helenecharlotte/rSplines documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:24 p.m.