
decheck <-
function(file1, file2){
   if(file1 == file2){
      stop("Can not compare the file with itself")
    dat1 <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = file1, sheet = 1, startRow=1, skipEmptyRows=FALSE, colNames=TRUE)
    dat2 <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = file2, sheet = 1, startRow=1, skipEmptyRows=FALSE, colNames=TRUE)
    ind <- rep(FALSE, nrow(dat1))
    for(i in 1:ncol(dat1)){
      dat1[,i][which(is.na(dat1[,i]))] <- "N/A"
      dat2[,i][which(is.na(dat2[,i]))] <- "N/A"
      temp <- which(!dat1[,i] == dat2[,i])
      ind[temp] <- TRUE
      dat1[temp,i] <- paste("**<font color=\"red\">", dat1[temp,i],"</font>**", sep = "")
      dat2[temp,i] <- paste("**<font color=\"red\"> ", dat2[temp,i],"</font>**", sep = "")
        title0 <- "DOUBLE ENTRY COMPARISONS"
        aa1 <- paste("Excel File 1, Row ",which(ind), "\n")
        aa <- kable(dat1[ind,], format = "markdown", output = FALSE)
        bb1 <- paste("Excel File 2, Row ",which(ind), "\n")
        bb <- kable(dat2[ind,], format = "markdown", output = FALSE)
        markdownToHTML(text = c(title0,"=======","\n",
            aa, "\n", 
            bb ,"\n",
            "*This file was generated by function* `decheck()` *in R Package* **TPK** *Version 0.1* at: ", date(), "\n",
            "**TPK** was written by **Jinlong Zhang** (jinlongzhang01@gmail.com) for Tai Po Kau Forest Plot in Hong Kong."), 
            output = "Excel_Comparison_Results.html")
    } else {
        cat("The Inputting Excel files are Identical! Cross Validation Passed.\n")

helixcn/TPK documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:37 p.m.