biofam3c: Three-channel biofam data

biofam3cR Documentation

Three-channel biofam data


Biofam data from the TraMineR package converted into three channels.


A list including three sequence data sets for 2000 individuals with 16 state variables, and a separate data frame with 1 id variable, 8 covariates, and 2 weight variables.


This data is constructed from the biofam data in the TraMineR package. Here the original state sequences are converted into three separate data sets: children, married, and left. These include the corresponding life states from age 15 to 30: childless or (having) children; single, married, or divorced; and (living) with parents or left home.

Note that the divorced state does not give information on parenthood or residence, so a guess is made based on preceeding states.

The fourth data frame covariates is a collection of additional variables from the original data:

idhous id
sex sex
birthyr birth year
nat_1_02 first nationality
plingu02 language of questionnaire
p02r01 religion
p02r04 religious participation
cspfaj father's social status
cspmoj mother's social status
wp00tbgp weights inflating to the Swiss population
wp00tbgs weights respecting sample size

The data is loaded by calling data(biofam3c). It was built using following code:

data("biofam" , package = "TraMineR")
biofam3c <- with(biofam, {

## Building one channel per type of event left, children or married
bf <- as.matrix(biofam[, 10:25])
children <- bf == 4 | bf == 5 | bf == 6
married <- bf == 2 | bf == 3 | bf == 6
left <- bf == 1 | bf == 3 | bf == 5 | bf == 6 | bf == 7

children[children == TRUE] <- "children"
children[children == FALSE] <- "childless"
# Divorced parents
div <- bf[(rowSums(bf == 7) > 0 & rowSums(bf == 5) > 0) |
            (rowSums(bf == 7) > 0 & rowSums(bf == 6) > 0),]
children[rownames(bf) %in% rownames(div) & bf == 7] <- "children"

married[married == TRUE] <- "married"
married[married == FALSE] <- "single"
married[bf == 7] <- "divorced"

left[left == TRUE] <- "left home"
left[left == FALSE] <- "with parents"
# Divorced living with parents (before divorce)
wp <- bf[(rowSums(bf == 7) > 0 & rowSums(bf == 2) > 0 &
          rowSums(bf == 3) == 0 & rowSums(bf == 5) == 0 &
          rowSums(bf == 6) == 0) |
         (rowSums(bf == 7) > 0 & rowSums(bf == 4) > 0 &
          rowSums(bf == 3) == 0 & rowSums(bf == 5) == 0 &
          rowSums(bf == 6) == 0), ]
left[rownames(bf) %in% rownames(wp) & bf == 7] <- "with parents"

list("children" = children, "married" = married, "left" = left,
  "covariates" = biofam[, c(1:9, 26:27)])


biofam data constructed from the Swiss Household Panel


Müller, N. S., M. Studer, G. Ritschard (2007). Classification de parcours de vie à l'aide de l'optimal matching. In XIVe Rencontre de l a Société francophone de classification (SFC 2007), Paris, 5 - 7 septembre 2007, pp. 157–160.

helske/seqHMM documentation built on July 6, 2023, 6:45 a.m.