Man pages for henok535/RMPB
Reproducibility Metric for Predictive Biomarker

actnormactnorm : The probability of an event when all subjects are...
cl2mpcl2mp : Change Clinician Input to MOdel parameters
datgendatgen : Function to generate data
delta4rdelta4r : Estimated reproducibility metric
optnormoptnorm : The probability of an event when marker guided...
RMPBRMPB: A package to assess the reproducibility of predictive...
socnormsocnorm : The probability of an event when all subjects are...
thetagsthetags : Estimated theta when the gold standard biomarker is...
thetamathetama : Estimated theta when the modified assay is...
henok535/RMPB documentation built on May 17, 2019, 11:08 a.m.