RMPB: RMPB: A package to assess the reproducibility of predictive...

Description Package Structure


The RMPB package provided a number of functions used to estimate the predictive biomarker clinical utility. It main purpose it to estimate the change in the theta value when the obsered biomarker is the gold standard and a modified biomarker. The modified biomarker is consider as one which is the gold standard plus some error.

Package Structure

The package is structured in such a way that a user can simulate his/her own data that suits the study under consideration. Once the data is generated the following procedures can be used to get an estimate of the reproducibility metric:

1. Estimate theta assuming the observed biomarker is the gold standard using the function \thetags\.

2. Estimate theta assuming the observed biomarker is the modified assay using the function *thetama*.

3. Estimate the difference between 1 and 2 using the function *delta4r*. This value tells us whether the clinical utility of the predictive biomarker under consideration which was obtained when the gold standard biomarker was observed is replicable under the modified assay.

henok535/RMPB documentation built on May 17, 2019, 11:08 a.m.