
Defines functions silverman_function sigmoid_function logistic_function cosine_function gaussian_function tricube_function triweight_function biweight_function epanechnikov_function triangular_function rectangular_function check_kernel_conditions

check_kernel_conditions <- function(u){
  stopifnot("the argument of a kernel has to be numeric"=is.numeric(u))

rectangular_function <- function(u){
  return(1/2*(abs(u) <= 1))

#' Rectangular Kernel
#' @description The rectangular kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the rectangular function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-1,1)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
rectangular <- Kernel(rectangular_function, c(-1,1))

triangular_function <- function(u){
  return((1 - abs(u)) * (abs(u) <= 1))

#' Triangular Kernel
#' @description The triangular kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the triangular function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-1,1)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link[KDE:Kernel]{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
triangular <- Kernel(triangular_function, c(-1,1))

epanechnikov_function <- function(u){
  return(3/4 * (1 - u^2) * (abs(u) <= 1))

#' Epanechnikov Kernel
#' @description The epanechnikov kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the epanechnikov function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-1,1)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
epanechnikov <- Kernel(epanechnikov_function, c(-1,1))

biweight_function <- function(u){
  return(15/16 * (1 - u^2)^2 * (abs(u) <= 1))

#' Biweight Kernel
#' @description The biweight kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the biweight function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-1,1)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
biweight <- Kernel(biweight_function, c(-1,1))

triweight_function <- function(u){
  return((35/32 * (1 - u^2)^3) * (abs(u) <= 1))

#' Triweight Kernel
#' @description The triweight kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the triweight function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-1,1)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
triweight <- Kernel(triweight_function, c(-1,1))

tricube_function <- function(u){
  return(70/81 * (1 - abs(u^3))^3 * (abs(u) <= 1))

#' Tricube Kernel
#' @description The tricube kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the tricube function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-1,1)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
tricube <- Kernel(tricube_function, c(-1,1))

gaussian_function <- function(u){
  return(1/sqrt(2 * pi) * exp(-1/2 * u^2))

#' Gaussian Kernel
#' @description The gaussian kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the gaussian function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-10,10)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
gaussian <- Kernel(gaussian_function, c(-10,10))

cosine_function <- function(u){
  return(pi/4 * cos(pi/2 * u) * (abs(u) <= 1))

#' Cosine Kernel
#' @description The cosine kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the cosine function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-1,1)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
cosine <- Kernel(cosine_function, c(-1,1))

logistic_function <- function(u){
  return(1/(exp(u) + 2 + exp(-u)) )

#' Logistic Kernel
#' @description The logistic kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the logistic function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-20,20)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
logistic <- Kernel(logistic_function, c(-20, 20))

sigmoid_function <- function(u){
  return(2/pi * (1/(exp(u) + exp(-u))))

#' Sigmoid Kernel
#' @description The sigmoid kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the sigmoid function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-20,20)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
sigmoid <- Kernel(sigmoid_function, c(-20,20))

silverman_function <- function(u){
  return(0.5 * exp(-abs(u)/sqrt(2)) * sin(abs(u)/sqrt(2) + pi/4))

#' Silverman Kernel
#' @description The silverman kernel is S3 object of class \code{Kernel}
#'   provided by the \code{KDE} package.
#' @format
#' An object of S3 class \code{\link{Kernel}} with named entries
#' * \bold{\code{fun}}: the silverman function
#' * \bold{\code{support}}: \code{c(-25,25)}
#' * \bold{\code{subdivisions}}: \code{1000L}.
#' @family kernels
#' @seealso \code{\link{Kernel}} for more information about kernels.
#' @include kernel.R
#' @export
silverman <- Kernel(silverman_function, c(-25,25))
hericks/KDE documentation built on Aug. 22, 2020, 12:04 a.m.