
Defines functions kluster_eval

Documented in kluster_eval

###### if you want to do kluster only on one or more methods

###########################kluster main function#################################################################
############################################################kluster main function####################################
#########################kluster main function###########################################################################

###### if you want to do kluster only

kluster_eval <- function(data,
                    clusters, #number of clusters we know
                    iter_sim, # number of simulation iterations
                    iter_klust, #number of iterations for clustering with sample_n size x
                    smpl, #size of the sample_n to be taken with replacement out of data
                    algorithm = "Default", #select analysis algorithm from BIC, PAMK, CAL, and AP
                    cluster = FALSE # if TURE it'll do clustering which will take a lot longer!
) {

  size <- nrow(data)
  if (algorithm == 'BIC') {
    # ##starting to store results from different algorithms
    # tic()
    # ##now let's compute optimal ks with BIC
    # BIC.best <- dim(Mclust(as.matrix(data), G=1:15)$z)[2]
    # tBIC <- toc()
    # tBIC <- as.numeric(tBIC$toc - tBIC$tic)

    ###kluster procedure
    kbicssum <- list()
    kbics2 <- list()
    t2 <- list()
    tBIC_kluster <- list()
    for (j in 1:iter_sim) {

      for (i in 1:iter_klust) {
        dat2 <- as.matrix(data[sample(nrow(data), smpl, replace=TRUE), ])
        kbics2[[i]] <- dim(Mclust(dat2, G=1:15)$z)[2]

      t <- toc()
      t2[[j]] <- t$toc - t$tic
      kbicssum[[j]] <- mean(as.numeric(kbics2))
    tBIC_kluster <- mean(unlist(t2))
    m_BIC_k <- round(mean(as.numeric(kbics2)),0)
    f_BIC_k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(unlist(kbics2)))))

    method <- c("BIC_kluster")
    ptime <- c(tBIC_kluster)
    k_mean <- c(m_BIC_k)
    k_freq <- c(f_BIC_k)

    sim <- data.frame(method,k_mean,k_freq,ptime)
    sim$k_orig <- clusters
    sim$e_mean <- k_mean - clusters
    sim$e_freq <- k_freq - clusters

    sim$n <- size

    ####cluster and visualize the performance
    # km1 <- hkmeans(data, k = BIC.best,iter.max = 300)
    # km5 <- hkmeans(data, k = mean_BIC_kluster,iter.max = 300)

    # par(mfrow=c(1,2))
    # # plot(data, col = km1$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
    # #      main = paste0("HK-means with k = ",BIC.best,""))
    # #
    # plot(data, col = km5$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
    #      main = paste0("HK-means with kluster BIC process, k = ",mean_BIC_kluster,""))
    # # par(mfrow=c(1,1))
    # boxplot(round(as.numeric(kbicssum),0),
    #         main = paste0("kluster optimum cluster number from BIC w/ resampling.
    #                       Mean resampling estimate = ",mean_BIC_kluster,"
    #                       ",
    #                       " and ordinary BIC suggested ",BIC.best," clusters."))


  } else
    if (algorithm == "PAMK") {

      # tic()
      # pamk.best <- pamk(data)$nc
      # tpamk <- toc()
      # tpamk <- as.numeric(tpamk$toc - tpamk$tic)

      ###pam method
      kpamsum <- list()
      kpam2 <- list()
      t2 <- list()
      tpam_kluster <- list()
      for (j in 1:iter_sim) {

        for (i in 1:iter_klust) {
          dat2 <- data[sample(nrow(data), smpl, replace=TRUE), ]
          kpam2[[i]] <- pamk(dat2,krange=1:15)$nc

        t <- toc()
        t2[[j]] <- t$toc - t$tic
        kpamsum[[j]] <- mean(as.numeric(kpam2))
      tpam_kluster <- mean(unlist(t2))
      m_pam_k <- round(mean(as.numeric(kpam2)),0)
      f_pam_k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(unlist(kpam2)))))

      method <- c("pam_kluster")
      ptime <- c(tpam_kluster)
      k_mean <- c(m_pam_k)
      k_freq <- c(f_pam_k)

      sim <- data.frame(method,k_mean,k_freq,ptime)
      sim$k_orig <- clusters
      sim$e_mean <- k_mean - clusters
      sim$e_freq <- k_freq - clusters

      sim$n <- size

      ####cluster and visualize the performance

      # km2 <- hkmeans(data, k = pamk.best,iter.max = 300)
      # km6 <- hkmeans(data, k = mean_pam_kluster,iter.max = 300)
      # par(mfrow=c(1,2))
      # plot(data, col = km2$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
      #      main = paste0("HK-means with k = ",pamk.best,""))
      # points(km2$centers, col = 1:pamk.best, pch = 8, cex = 3)

      # plot(data, col = km6$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
      #      main = paste0("HK-means with kluster PAM process, k = ",mean_pam_kluster,""))
      # points(km6$centers, col = 1:mean_pam_kluster, pch = 8, cex = 3)

      # par(mfrow=c(1,1))

      # boxplot(round(as.numeric(kpamsum),0),
      #         main = paste0("kluster optimum cluster number from PAM w/ resampling.
      #                       Mean resampling estimate = ",mean_pam_kluster,"
      #                       ",
      #                       " and ordinary PAM suggested ",pamk.best," clusters."))

    } else
      if (algorithm == "CAL") {
        # tic()
        # calinski.best <- as.numeric(which.max(cascadeKM(data, 1, 15, iter = 1000)$results[2,]))
        # tcalinski <- toc()
        # tcalinski <- as.numeric(tcalinski$toc - tcalinski$tic)

        kcalsum <- list()
        kcal2 <- list()
        t2 <- list()
        tcal_kluster <- list()
        for (j in 1:iter_sim) {

          for (i in 1:iter_klust) {
            dat2 <- data[sample(nrow(data), smpl, replace=TRUE), ]
            kcal2[[i]] <- as.numeric(which.max(cascadeKM(dat2, 1, 15, iter = 1000)$results[2,]))

          t <- toc()
          t2[[j]] <- t$toc - t$tic
          kcalsum[[j]] <- mean(as.numeric(kcal2))
        tcal_kluster <- mean(unlist(t2))
        m_cal_kluster <- round(mean(as.numeric(kcal2)),0)
        f_cal_k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(unlist(kcal2)))))

        method <- c("cal_kluster")
        ptime <- c(tcal_kluster)
        k_mean <- c(m_cal_k)
        k_freq <- c(f_cal_k)

        sim <- data.frame(method,k_mean,k_freq,ptime)
        sim$k_orig <- clusters
        sim$e_mean <- k_mean - clusters
        sim$e_freq <- k_freq - clusters

        sim$n <- size
        ####cluster and visualize the performance
        # km3 <- hkmeans(data, k = calinski.best,iter.max = 300)
        # km7 <- hkmeans(data, k = mean_cal_kluster,iter.max = 300)

        # par(mfrow=c(1,2))
        # plot(data, col = km3$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
        #      main = paste0("HK-means with k = ",calinski.best,""))
        # points(km3$centers, col = 1:calinski.best, pch = 8, cex = 3)

        # plot(data, col = km7$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
        #      main = paste0("HK-means with kluster Calinski process, k = ",mean_cal_kluster,""))
        # points(km7$centers, col = 1:mean_cal_kluster, pch = 8, cex = 3)

        # par(mfrow=c(1,1))

        # boxplot(round(as.numeric(kcalsum),0),
        #         main = paste0("kluster optimum cluster number from Calinski w/ resampling.
        #                       Mean resampling estimate = ",mean_cal_kluster,"
        #                       and ordinary Calinski suggested ",calinski.best," clusters."))


      } else

        if (algorithm == "AP") {

          # tic()
          # apclus.best <- length(apcluster(negDistMat(r=2), data)@clusters)
          # tap <- toc()
          # tap <- as.numeric(tap$toc - tap$tic)

          kapsum <- list()
          kap2 <- list()
          t2 <- list()
          tap_kluster <- list()
          for (j in 1:iter_sim) {

            for (i in 1:iter_klust) {
              dat2 <- data[sample(nrow(data), smpl, replace=TRUE), ]
              kap2[[i]] <- length(apcluster(negDistMat(r=2), dat2)@clusters)

            t <- toc()
            t2[[j]] <- t$toc - t$tic
            kapsum[[j]] <- mean(as.numeric(kap2))
          tap_kluster <- mean(unlist(t2))
          m_ap_k <- round(mean(as.numeric(kap2)),0)
          f_ap_k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(unlist(kap2)))))

          method <- c("ap_kluster")
          ptime <- c(tap_kluster)
          k_mean <- c(m_ap_k)
          k_freq <- c(f_ap_k)

          sim <- data.frame(method,k_mean,k_freq,ptime)
          sim$k_orig <- clusters
          sim$e_mean <- k_mean - clusters
          sim$e_freq <- k_freq - clusters

          sim$n <- size

          ####cluster and visualize the performance

          # km4 <- hkmeans(data, k = apclus.best,iter.max = 300)

          # km8 <- hkmeans(data, k = mean_ap_kluster,iter.max = 300)
          # par(mfrow=c(1,2))
          # plot(data, col = km4$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
          #      main = paste0("HK-means with k = ",apclus.best,""))
          # points(km4$centers, col = 1:apclus.best, pch = 8, cex = 3)
          # plot(data, col = km8$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
          #      main = paste0("HK-means with kluster AP process, k = ",mean_ap_kluster,""))
          # points(km8$centers, col = 1:mean_ap_kluster, pch = 8, cex = 3)

          # par(mfrow=c(1,1))

          # boxplot(round(as.numeric(kapsum),0),
          #         main = paste0("kluster optimum cluster number from AP w/ resampling.
          #                       Mean resampling estimate = ",mean_ap_kluster,"
          #                       and ordinary AP suggested ",apclus.best," clusters."))


        } else
          if (algorithm == "Default") {

            ###kluster procedure
            kbicssum <- list()
            kbics2 <- list()
            t1 <- list()
            tBIC_kluster <- list()
            kpamsum <- list()
            kpam2 <- list()
            t2 <- list()
            tpam_kluster <- list()
            kcalsum <- list()
            kcal2 <- list()
            t3 <- list()
            tcal_kluster <- list()
            kapsum <- list()
            kap2 <- list()
            t4 <- list()
            tap_kluster <- list()
            for (j in 1:iter_sim) {
              for (i in 1:iter_klust) {
                dat2 <- data[sample(nrow(data), smpl, replace=TRUE), ]
                kbics2[[i]] <- dim(Mclust(as.matrix(dat2), G=1:15)$z)[2]
                t1i <- toc()
                t1[[i]] <- t1i$toc - t1i$tic

                kpam2[[i]] <- pamk(dat2,krange=1:15)$nc
                t2i <- toc()
                t2[[i]] <- t2i$toc - t2i$tic

                kcal2[[i]] <- as.numeric(which.max(cascadeKM(dat2, 1, 15, iter = 1000)$results[2,]))
                t3i <- toc()
                t3[[i]] <- t3i$toc - t3i$tic

                kap2[[i]] <- length(apcluster(negDistMat(r=2), dat2)@clusters)
                t4i <- toc()
                t4[[i]] <- t4i$toc - t4i$tic


              kbicssum[[j]] <- mean(as.numeric(kbics2))
              kpamsum[[j]] <- mean(as.numeric(kpam2))
              kcalsum[[j]] <- mean(as.numeric(kcal2))
              kapsum[[j]] <- mean(as.numeric(kap2))

            tBIC_kluster <- mean(unlist(t1))
            m_BIC_k <- round(mean(as.numeric(kbics2)),0)
            tpam_kluster <- mean(unlist(t2))
            m_pam_k <- round(mean(as.numeric(kpam2)),0)
            tcal_kluster <- mean(unlist(t3))
            m_cal_k <- round(mean(as.numeric(kcal2)),0)
            tap_kluster <- mean(unlist(t4))
            m_ap_k <- round(mean(as.numeric(kap2)),0)

            f_BIC_k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(unlist(kbics2)))))
            f_pam_k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(unlist(kpam2)))))
            f_cal_k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(unlist(kcal2)))))
            f_ap_k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(unlist(kap2)))))

            method <- c("BIC_kluster","pam_kluster","cal_kluster","ap_kluster")
            ptime <- c(tBIC_kluster*iter_klust,tpam_kluster*iter_klust,tcal_kluster*iter_klust,tap_kluster*iter_klust)
            k_mean <- c(m_BIC_k,m_pam_k,m_cal_k,m_ap_k)
            k_freq <- c(f_BIC_k,f_pam_k,f_cal_k,f_ap_k)

            sim <- data.frame(method,k_mean,k_freq,ptime)
            sim$k_orig <- clusters
            sim$e_mean <- k_mean - clusters
            sim$e_freq <- k_freq - clusters

            sim$n <- size

            # ####cluster and visualize the performance
            # km5 <- hkmeans(data, k = mean_BIC_kluster,iter.max = 300)
            # km6 <- hkmeans(data, k = mean_pam_kluster,iter.max = 300)
            # km7 <- hkmeans(data, k = mean_cal_kluster,iter.max = 300)
            # km8 <- hkmeans(data, k = mean_ap_kluster,iter.max = 300)
            # par(mfrow=c(2,2))
            # # plot(data, col = km1$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
            # #      main = paste0("HK-means with k = ",BIC.best,""))
            # #
            # plot(data, col = km5$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
            #      main = paste0("HK-means with kluster BIC process, k = ",mean_BIC_kluster,""))
            # plot(data, col = km6$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
            #      main = paste0("HK-means with kluster PAM process, k = ",mean_pam_kluster,""))
            # points(km6$centers, col = 1:mean_pam_kluster, pch = 8, cex = 3)
            # plot(data, col = km7$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
            #      main = paste0("HK-means with kluster Calinski process, k = ",mean_cal_kluster,""))
            # points(km7$centers, col = 1:mean_cal_kluster, pch = 8, cex = 3)
            # plot(data, col = km8$cluster, pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
            #      main = paste0("HK-means with kluster AP process, k = ",mean_ap_kluster,""))
            # points(km8$centers, col = 1:mean_ap_kluster, pch = 8, cex = 3)
            # boxplot(round(as.numeric(kbicssum),0),
            #         main = paste0("kluster optimum cluster number from BIC w/ resampling.
            #                       Mean resampling estimate = ",mean_BIC_kluster,"
            #                       ",
            #                       " and ordinary BIC suggested ",BIC.best," clusters."))
            # boxplot(round(as.numeric(kpamsum),0),
            #         main = paste0("kluster optimum cluster number from PAM w/ resampling.
            #                       Mean resampling estimate = ",mean_pam_kluster,"
            #                       ",
            #                       " and ordinary PAM suggested ",pamk.best," clusters."))
            # boxplot(round(as.numeric(kcalsum),0),
            #         main = paste0("kluster optimum cluster number from Calinski w/ resampling.
            #                       Mean resampling estimate = ",mean_cal_kluster,"
            #                       and ordinary Calinski suggested ",calinski.best," clusters."))
            # boxplot(round(as.numeric(kapsum),0),
            #         main = paste0("kluster optimum cluster number from AP w/ resampling.
            #                       Mean resampling estimate = ",mean_ap_kluster,"
            #                       and ordinary AP suggested ",apclus.best," clusters."))



hestiri/kluster documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:55 p.m.