Eoutput-class: Definition for S4 class Eoutput

Eoutput-classR Documentation

Definition for S4 class Eoutput


Eoutput is an S4 class to store output from enrichment analysis by dcEnrichment.


Class Eoutput



A character specifying the domain identity


A character specifying the ontology identity


A data.frame of nTerm X 5 containing term information, where nTerm is the number of terms in consideration, and the 5 columns are "term_id" (i.e. "Term ID"), "term_name" (i.e. "Term Name"), "namespace" (i.e. "Term Namespace"), "distance" (i.e. "Term Distance") and "IC" (i.e. "Information Content for the term based on annotation frequency by it")


A list of terms, each storing annotated domains (also within the background domains). Always, terms are identified by "term_id" and domain members identified by their ids (e.g. sunids for SCOP domains)


A vector containing input data in dcEnrichment. It is not always the same as the input data as only those mappable are retained


A vector containing background in dcEnrichment. It is not always the same as the input background (if provided by the user) as only those mappable are retained


A list of terms, each storing domains overlapped between domains annotated by a term and domains in the input data (i.e. the domains of interest). Always, terms are identified by "term_id" and domain members identified by their ids (e.g. sunids for SCOP domains)


A vector of terms, containing z-scores


A vector of terms, containing p-values


A vector of terms, containing adjusted p-values. It is the p value but after being adjusted for multiple comparisons


An object of this class can be created via: new("Eoutput", domain, ontology, term_info, anno, data, overlap, zscore, pvalue, adjp)


Class-specific methods:

  • zscore(): retrieve the slot 'zscore' in the object

  • pvalue(): retrieve the slot 'pvalue' in the object

  • adjp(): retrieve the slot 'adjp' in the object

  • view(): retrieve an integrated data.frame used for viewing the object

  • write(): write the object into a local file

Standard generic methods:

  • str(): compact display of the content in the object

  • show(): abbreviated display of the object


Ways to access information on this class:

  • showClass("Eoutput"): show the class definition

  • showMethods(classes="Eoutput"): show the method definition upon this class

  • getSlots("Eoutput"): get the name and class of each slot in this class

  • slotNames("Eoutput"): get the name of each slot in this class

  • selectMethod(f, signature="Eoutput"): retrieve the definition code for the method 'f' defined in this class

See Also



## Not run: 
# 1) load SCOP.sf (as 'InfoDataFrame' object)
SCOP.sf <- dcRDataLoader('SCOP.sf')
# randomly select 20 domains
data <- sample(rowNames(SCOP.sf), 20)

# 2) perform enrichment analysis, producing an object of S4 class 'Eoutput'
eoutput <- dcEnrichment(data, domain="SCOP.sf", ontology="GOMF")

# 3) write into the file 'Eoutput.txt' in your local directory
write(eoutput, file='Eoutput.txt')

# 4) view the top 5 significant terms
view(eoutput, top_num=5, sortBy="pvalue", details=TRUE)

# 4) retrieve several slots directly

## End(Not run)

hfang-bristol/dcGOR documentation built on July 16, 2022, 6:43 p.m.