#' Implement a complex survey design
#' @param df Data frame from PNAD
#' @return An object of class survey.design.
#' @export
pnad_design <- function(df) {
df_year <- unique(as.numeric(df$V0101))
if (df_year < 100) { df_year <- 1900 + df_year }
design_vars <- data.frame(
year = c(1998:1999, 2001:2009, 2011:2015),
pre_id = c(rep("~PSU", 3), rep("~V4618", 13)),
pre_strata = c(rep("~STRAT", 3), rep("~V4617", 13)),
pre_weights = c(rep("~as.numeric(V4610)", 5),
rep("~(as.numeric(V4619) * as.numeric(V4610))", 6),
rep("~as.numeric(V4610)", 5)),
post_strata = rep("~pos_estrato", 16)
design_vars <- design_vars[design_vars$year == df_year, ]
options( survey.lonely.psu = "adjust" )
# Create the PSU and STRAT for 1998 and 1999
if (df_year %in% 1998:1999) {
df <- df |>
STRAT = dplyr::case_when(V4107 %in% c("1", "2") ~
as.numeric(UF)*1e8 + as.numeric(UPA),
V4107 == "3" ~
as.numeric(UF)*1e8 + 99*1e6 + as.numeric(V4602)*1e4),
PSU = dplyr::case_when(V4107 %in% c("1", "2") ~
V4107 == "3" ~
as.numeric(UF)*1e6 + as.numeric(V4602)*1e4 + as.numeric(UPA))
# Create a post stratification variable
df <- df %>%
dplyr::mutate(pos_estrato = ifelse(V4107 == "1",
paste0(UF, "_", "RM"),
paste0(UF, "_", "NaoRM")))
# Verify the post stratification population
pop_types <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(pos_estrato) %>%
dplyr::summarise(minimo = min(V4609),
Freq = mean(V4609),
maximo = max(V4609))
pop_types <- pop_types %>%
dplyr::mutate(Freq = ifelse(minimo != maximo, minimo+maximo, Freq)) %>%
dplyr::select(pos_estrato, Freq)
pnad_pre <- survey::svydesign(id = stats::as.formula(design_vars$pre_id),
strata = stats::as.formula(design_vars$pre_strata),
data = df,
weights = stats::as.formula(design_vars$pre_weights),
nest = TRUE)
pnad_post <- survey::postStratify(design = pnad_pre ,
strata = stats::as.formula(design_vars$post_strata),
population = pop_types)
rm(pnad_pre, pop_types); invisible(gc())
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