
Defines functions getOutEdgesMAT getInEdgesMAT getEdgesMAT getOutEdges getInEdges getEdges.matrix getEdges.list getEdges.igraph getEdges.iModel getEdges

Documented in getEdges getEdges.list getEdgesMAT getEdges.matrix getInEdges getInEdgesMAT getOutEdges getOutEdgesMAT

#' @title Find edges in a graph or edges not in an undirected graph.
#' @description Returns the edges of a graph (or edges not in a graph) where the
#'     graph can be either an igraph object, a list of generators or an
#'     adjacency matrix.
#' @name getEdges
#' @details
#' When \code{ingraph=TRUE}: If type="decomposable" then
#' \code{getEdges()} returns those edges e for which the graph with e
#' removed is decomposable.
#' When \code{ingraph=FALSE}: Likewise, if type="decomposable" then
#' \code{getEdges()} returns those edges e for which the graph with e added is
#' decomposable.
#' The functions \code{getInEdges()} and \code{getInEdges()} are just wrappers
#' for calls to \code{getEdges()}.
#' The workhorses are \code{getInEdgesMAT()} and \code{getOutEdgesMAT()} and
#' these work on adjacency matrices.
#' Regarding the argument \code{discrete}, please see the documentation of
#' \code{\link[gRbase:graph-mcs]{mcs_marked}}.
#' @aliases getEdges getEdges.list getEdges.graphNEL getEdges.matrix getInEdges
#'     getOutEdges getEdgesMAT getInEdgesMAT getOutEdgesMAT
#' @param object An object representing a graph; either a generator list, an
#'     igraph object or an adjacency matrix.
#' @param type Either "unrestricted" or "decomposable"
#' @param ingraph If TRUE the result is the edges in the graph; if FALSE the
#'     result is the edges not in the graph.
#' @param discrete This argument is relevant only if \code{object} specifies a
#'     marked graph in which some vertices represent discrete variables and some
#'     represent continuous variables.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments; currently not used.
#' @return A p * 2 matrix with edges.
#' @note These functions work on undirected graphs. The behaviour is
#'     undocumented for directed graphs.
#' @author Søren Højsgaard, \email{sorenh@@math.aau.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{edgeList}}, \code{\link{nonEdgeList}}.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' gg     <- ug(~a:b:d + a:c:d + c:e, result="igraph")
#' glist  <- getCliques(gg)
#' adjmat <- as(gg, "matrix")
#' #### On a glist
#' getEdges(glist)
#' getEdges(glist, type="decomposable")
#' # Deleting (a,d) would create a 4-cycle
#' getEdges(glist, ingraph=FALSE)
#' getEdges(glist, type="decomposable", ingraph=FALSE)
#' # Adding (e,b) would create a 4-cycle
#' #### On a graphNEL
#' getEdges(gg)
#' getEdges(gg, type="decomposable")
#' # Deleting (a,d) would create a 4-cycle
#' getEdges(gg, ingraph=FALSE)
#' getEdges(gg, type="decomposable", ingraph=FALSE)
#' # Adding (e,b) would create a 4-cycle
#' #### On an adjacency matrix
#' getEdges(adjmat)
#' getEdges(adjmat, type="decomposable")
#' # Deleting (a,d) would create a 4-cycle
#' getEdges(adjmat, ingraph=FALSE)
#' getEdges(adjmat, type="decomposable", ingraph=FALSE)
#' # Adding (e,b) would create a 4-cycle
#' ## Marked graphs; vertices a,b are discrete; c,d are continuous
#' UG <- ug(~a:b:c + b:c:d, result="igraph")
#' disc <- c("a", "b")
#' getEdges(UG)
#' getEdges(UG, discrete=disc)
#' ## Above: same results; there are 5 edges in the graph
#' getEdges(UG, type="decomposable")
#' ## Above: 4 edges can be removed and will give a decomposable graph
#' ##(only removing the edge (b,c) would give a non-decomposable model)
#' getEdges(UG, type="decomposable", discrete=c("a","b"))
#' ## Above: 3 edges can be removed and will give a strongly decomposable
#' ## graph. Removing (b,c) would create a 4--cycle and removing (a,b)
#' ## would create a forbidden path; a path with only continuous vertices
#' ## between two discrete vertices.
#' @export getEdges
getEdges <- function(object, type="unrestricted", ingraph=TRUE, discrete=NULL, ...) {

##' @export
getEdges.iModel <- function(object, type="unrestricted", ingraph=TRUE, discrete=NULL, ...) {
    getEdgesMAT(.glist2adjMAT(terms(object)), type=type, ingraph=ingraph, discrete=discrete, ...)

##' @export
getEdges.igraph <- function(object, type="unrestricted", ingraph=TRUE, discrete=NULL, ...) {
    getEdgesMAT(as(object, "matrix"), type=type, ingraph=ingraph, discrete=discrete, ...)

##' @export
getEdges.list <- function(object, type="unrestricted", ingraph=TRUE, discrete=NULL, ...) {
    getEdgesMAT(.glist2adjMAT(object), type=type, ingraph=ingraph, discrete=discrete, ...)

##' @export
getEdges.matrix <- function(object, type="unrestricted", ingraph=TRUE, discrete=NULL, ...) {
    getEdgesMAT(object, type=type, ingraph=ingraph, discrete=discrete, ...)    

#' @export
getInEdges <- function(object, type="unrestricted", discrete=NULL, ...) {
    getEdges(object, type=type, ingraph=TRUE, discrete=discrete, ...)

#' @export
getOutEdges <- function(object, type="unrestricted", discrete=NULL, ...) {
    getEdges(object, type=type, ingraph=FALSE, discrete=discrete, ...)


getEdgesMAT <- function(adjmat, type="unrestricted", ingraph=TRUE, discrete=NULL, ...) {
    if (ingraph)
        getInEdgesMAT(adjmat, type, discrete, ...)
        getOutEdgesMAT(adjmat, type, discrete, ...)

getInEdgesMAT <- function(adjmat, type="unrestricted", discrete=NULL, ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type, c("unrestricted", "decomposable"))
    emat <- edgeListMAT(adjmat, matrix=TRUE) #;  print(emat)
    if (type == "decomposable") {
        idx <- vector("logical", nrow(emat))    
        for (ii in seq_len(nrow(emat))){
            ed <- emat[ii, ] 
        adjmat[ed[1], ed[2]] <- adjmat[ed[2], ed[1]] <- 0L
            idx[ii] <- length(mcs_markedMAT(adjmat, discrete=discrete)) > 0
            adjmat[ed[1], ed[2]] <- adjmat[ed[2], ed[1]] <- 1L
        emat <- emat[idx, , drop=FALSE]

getOutEdgesMAT <- function(adjmat, type="unrestricted", discrete=NULL, ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type, c("unrestricted", "decomposable"))
    emat <- nonEdgeListMAT(adjmat, matrix=TRUE)
    if (type == "decomposable") {
        idx <- vector("logical", nrow(emat))    
        for (ii in seq_len(nrow(emat))) {
            ed <- emat[ii,]
            adjmat[ed[1], ed[2]] <- adjmat[ed[2], ed[1]] <- 1L
            idx[ii] <- length(mcs_markedMAT(adjmat, discrete=discrete)) > 0
            adjmat[ed[1], ed[2]] <- adjmat[ed[2], ed[1]] <- 0L
        emat <- emat[idx, , drop=FALSE]
hojsgaard/gRim documentation built on May 1, 2024, 2:13 p.m.