
## Versioning functions

config <- utilsR::read_yaml("./config.yaml")

#' @title Create archive directory
#' @description Creates the file path to the Archive directory
#' @param output_dir the path to create the versioning folder structure in
#' @examples
#' output_dir <- '.'
#' ad <- archive_dir(output_dir)
#' @export
create_archive_dir <- function(output_dir) {
    return(file.path(output_dir, config$archive_dirs$Archive))

#' @title Create current directory
#' @description Creates the file path to the Current directory
#' @param output_dir the path to create the versioning folder structure in
#' @examples
#' output_dir <- '.'
#' cd <- current_dir(output_dir)
#' @export
create_current_dir <- function(output_dir) {
    return(file.path(output_dir, config$archive_dirs$Current))

#' @title Create archive structure
#' @description Creates the archive structure
#' @param output_dir the output directory where the archive structure will be created
#' @examples
#' output_dir <- c('.')
#' create_archive_str(output_dir)
#' @export
create_archive_str <- function(output_dir) {
    utilsR::create_dirs(c(create_archive_dir(output_dir), create_current_dir(output_dir)))

#' @title Move to current directory
#' @description Moves the files to the Current folder
#' @param fls a list of the files to archive
#' @param current_dir the current directory
#' @examples 
#' output_dir <- '.'
#' current_dir <- create_current_dir(output_dir)
#' fls <- c('data.csv', 'data_log.log')
#' utilsR::create_files(fls)
#' move_to_current(fls, current_dir)
#' @export
move_to_current <- function(fls, current_dir) {
    utilsR::remove_files(dir(current_dir, full.names = T))
    from <- fls
    to <- file.path(current_dir, basename(fls))
    assertthat::assert_that(all(file.copy(from, to)))

#' @title Create archive
#' @description Copies files from the Current folder, adds them to the archive, and zips files using the commit id as the filename
#' @param commit the commit id
#' @param current_dir the current directory
#' @param archive_dir the archive directory
#' @examples 
#' commit <- 'master_98jgh8'
#' output_dir <- '.'
#' archive_files <- c('data.csv', 'data_log.log')
#' create_archive(commit, output_dir, fls)
#' @export
create_archive <- function(commit, current_dir, archive_dir) {
    zipped_fl <- paste0(commit, ".zip")
    zip::zipr(zipped_fl, files = dir(current_dir, full.names = T))
    assertthat::assert_that(file.rename(zipped_fl, file.path(archive_dir, zipped_fl)))

#' @title Archive output
#' @description Writes archive fls out to the Current folder and archives the same files with a commit id
#' @param commit the commit id
#' @param output_dir the path to create the file archive
#' @param fls a list of the files to archive
#' @examples
#' commit <- 'master_98jgh8'
#' output_dir <- '.'
#' fls <- c('data.csv', 'data_log.log')
#' archive_output(commit, output_dir, fls)
#' @export
archive_output <- function(commit, output_dir, fls) {
    archive_dir <- create_archive_dir(output_dir)
    current_dir <- create_current_dir(output_dir)
    move_to_current(fls, current_dir)
    create_archive(commit, current_dir, archive_dir)

#' @title Write output
#' @description Writes archive fls out to the Current folder 
#' @param output_dir the path to create the file archive
#' @param fls a list of the files to archive
#' @examples
#' output_dir <- '.'
#' fls <- c('data.csv', 'data_log.log')
#' write_output(output_dir, fls)
#' @export
write_output <- function(output_dir, fls) {
    archive_dir <- create_archive_dir(output_dir)
    current_dir <- create_current_dir(output_dir)
    move_to_current(fls, current_dir)
holmesjoli/archiveR documentation built on May 11, 2019, 3:05 p.m.