
## Git tools

#' @title Configure repository
#' @description Initiates and configures the repository
#' @param user.name server (github, bitbucket, etc.) username
#' @param user.email the users email
#' @return the repository
#' @examples 
#' repo <- config.repo('Joli Holmes', 'holmesjoligmail.com')
setUp <- function(user.name, user.email) {
    repo <- git2r::repository(".")
    git2r::config(repo, global = F, user.name, user.email)

#' @title Checks master branch active
#' @description Checks to see if the HEAD is on the master branch
#' @param repo the repository to check
#' @return the name of the active branch
#' @examples 
#' repo <- config.repo('Joli Holmes', 'holmesjoligmail.com')
#' check_master(repo)
check_master <- function(repo) {
    active_branch <- git2r::repository_head(repo)$name
    if (active_branch != "master") {
        ui <- readline("Master branch is not active. Continue? \n1:Yes \n2:No\n")
        while (ui %in% c(1, 2) == FALSE) {
            ui <- readline("Please select 1 or 2")
        if (ui == 2) {
            stop("Autocommit stopped")
        } else {
            print("Continuing autocommit")

#' @title Automattically commits
#' @description Automattically commits code
#' @param repo the repository
#' @param user.name username
#' @param user.password user password
#' @param fl the file to commit
#' @param message the commit message
#' @param add_branch takes the values TRUE or FALSE; if TRUE adds branch to the beginning of the the commit tag
#' @param add_message takes the values TRUE or FALSE; if TRUE adds message to the end of the commit tag
#' @return filename to be used to version output files and datasets
#' @examples 
#' repo <- config.repo('Joli Holmes', 'holmesjoligmail.com')
#' auto_commit(repo, 'holmesjoli', 'password', '.', 'July 2018 Monthly')
#' @export
auto_commit <- function(repo, user.name, user.password, fl, message, add_branch, add_message) {
    branch <- check_master(repo)
    git2r::add(repo = repo, path = fl)
    commit_result <- git2r::commit(repo = repo, message)
    git2r::push(repo, credentials = git2r::cred_user_pass(username = user.name, password = user.password))
    commit <- substring(commit_result$sha, 1, 6)
    if (add_message) {
        commit <- paste(commit, message, sep = "_")
    if (add_branch) {
        commit <- paste(branch, commit, sep = "_")
holmesjoli/archiveR documentation built on May 11, 2019, 3:05 p.m.