
#' Fire-setting Among Teenagers
#' @description Modifed from a dataset obtained in the course of a 
#' study on factors that are associated with fire-setting among
#' at-risk youth.  The data comes from national surveys of at-risk
#' teenagers.
#' @name firesetting
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 975 observations on the following 6 variables.
#' \describe{ 
#' \item{age}{Child's age in years.}
#' \item{sex}{Sex of the child.}
#' \item{race}{Child's race.}
#' \item{school.attitude}{A measure of child's perceptions about school,
#' combined from surveys given to child and to his/her parents.  Higher
#' scores indicate poorer attitudes.}
#' \item{academic}{A measure of the child's academic performance.  Higher
#' scores indicate more academic problems.}
#' \item{adhd}{Scaled scores from a test for AHDH.  Higher scores indicates
#' more problems with ADHD.}
#' \item{fires}{Whether or not the child sets fires (0 = does not, 1 = does).}
#' }
#' @source  Doctroal dissertation by Carrie H. Bowling, University of Kentucky,
#' 2013.. Further details in \url{../doc/firesetting_phd_proposal.pdf}.
#' @keywords datasets
homerhanumat/tigerData documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 4:53 p.m.